
And what about the moon? Is the moon also flat?

That depends on the Flat Earther. Some say so and other say that the Moon, and all the other planets are not real.

if you are a globe earther...

what is at the edge of universe? what is it contained in?

what we do know is nearly every civilization on earth believed the world was flat, and contained within a firmament that surrounds us. many like to claim they were ignorant fools, yet these same folks had more advanced astrology than we did up until recent history in which we proved they did know what they were talking about.

the apparent truth of the world we live in may be unknowable, to the degree that the eye cannot see itself. it may also be that we break thru the barrier just to find more nothing that cannot be explained.

personally, i'm not sure that it matters, just as the question what is the universe contained in, it is impossible to answer, it truly shatters the mind to try and consider the question.

@klevn <-- exactly. But I'll go one further by asking you to do the measurements yourself and see if you can find proof that this earth curves as it should.

Flat Earthers says it's impossible to resolve shape of the earth. I disagree. There are 3 observatories south of the equator that cannot see Polaris(North Star). Why? Because it's blocked by curvature of the earth. Don't take my word for it, feel free to contact them yourself.

South America

South Africa,_Cape_Town