The Dream Overrider

in #science6 years ago

Okay this post is from a paper I wrote a while back, so if it looks like it was written a little different then normal that’s why. Please email me to let me know what you all think. Email me at or send me a message on Twitter at teamskj. If you are reading this on steemit please upvote the post if you like it. Also please let me know if there are any typos in this post. Alright now let’s move onto the post!

Alright the invention idea I have come up with this week has the potential either become an invention sought out by masses or an invention which would encourage great scientific studies. The name I have come up with for it is the Dream Overrider. I call it the Dream Overrider because the purpose of the machine is to mainly override dreams, or in better terms to force a person who is dreaming to dream a dream that the operator of the machine wants them to dream. Scientists today are interested in seeing what people dream and are working tediously to find a way to do so, but no one is working towards trying to force people to dream something specific. Of course, it’s obvious why no one is working towards that goal, there’s no money in it and no demand.

I have come with a few reasons why an invention like the Dream Overrider may become something highly sought out and profitable and I will start by stating them now. Firstly, the obvious reason the Dream Overrider may become extremely sought out and profitable is to help people sleep. The second reason the Dream Overrider may become extremely sought out and profitable is because of its ability to help advance the study of how dreams affect a people in real life. The last reason the Dream Overrider may become something highly sought out and profitable is the possible education benefits tied to forcing people to dream educational material. Each of these various reasons that have been previously stated are why the Dream Overrider may become something highly sought out and profitable, and the next few paragraphs will go into the why and how.

Starting off with the first reason, the Dream Overrider would be able to help people sleep. It’s a widely known fact that everyone has nightmares every once and a while, but there are some people who experience nightmares on a weekly sometimes daily basis. According to an article on WebMD, by David Freeman, about 8% of the adult population experience chronic nightmares about once a week and the nightmares sometimes become so frequent that sleep becomes impossible. The people who experience nightmares on a weekly or daily basis are typically people with PTSD who have survived horrendous events and an invention like the Dream Overrider would help these people sleep at night while they seek the help their PTSD (Freeman, 2018).

Moving on to how the Dream Overrider can help advance the study of dreams. Let’s say scientists find an effective and safe way see into people’s dreams. Even if that scenario happens, scientists will still need something like a Dream Overrider to effectively study the effects of dreams on a person’s mental health because without a way to force someone to dream something specific, scientists would just be interpreting and studying whatever random dream pops up. Without a way of controlling what a person dreams, there is no way to effectively study how certain dreams affect certain people, and at most scientists would only be able to learn what types of dreams certain people have and possibly what they mean. In other words, regardless of whether an invention like the Dream Overrider is invented, there will still need to be a way to control what people dream in order to effectively study dreams especially after an effective and safe way of seeing what a person dreams are invented.

Alright lastly, we move on to the education benefits of forcing someone to dream something educational. Firstly, it’s important to mention that there is no evidence now that people learn better in their sleep, mostly because there has never been a way for a person to learn something in their sleep. With the previous statement in mind, it is possible that if a person was forced to dream something like a documentary or even a YouTube video they may retain a certain amount of information from the dream. Now some might say that not everyone remembers everything they dream, and some people completely forget their dreams, and they’re right but there is also a chance people might subconsciously remember things in their dreams and all it takes is a little reminder to jog the memory of the dream. Something else to keep in mind is that the results of how well people learn in their sleep could vary depending on the type of learner each individual is, and it wouldn’t be to surprising if visual learners were to learn more in their sleep than physical learners. Of course, this is all speculative there is no evidence to suggest people can learn in their sleep, and unless something like the Dream Overrider was built. Okay now we move on to how I think this machine would work. Unfortunately the only way I can think of overriding someone else’s dream at the moment is by having a machine play a video at the same frequency that a person dreams at, and I came up with this idea from the knowledge that people dream at a certain frequency, but doing this could easily fry someone’s brain or cause them to develop cancer so it’s extremely risky to test on humans.

So that’s my idea for the Dream Overrider. A machine which in theory could force people to dream educational videos or material which could lead to an advancement in education. A machine that could help people with chronic nightmares dream peacefully at night until they can get over their problems. Thank you for reading. Again let me know what you think and give this an upvote on steemit if you like this idea.

Freeman, D. (2018, April 25). Chronic Nightmares: Therapy and Other Control Methods May Help. Retrieved from WebMD: