Before Teleportation

in #science6 years ago

Okay this post is going to be the first of a 3 parts. All three posts are going to be for an invention idea which currently doesn’t have a name. This invention is two already thought up inventions combined into one to enhance the capabilities of both inventions. Due to the amount of possible things I believe this invention will be possible of and the fact that this invention could easily be several separate inventions, I’m going to have 3 posts on it.
Alright to start of, this invention would be a combination of the teleportation technology, which was obvious is you saw the title, and the 3D printer. For those who might not know, even though it’s nearly impossible to not know, teleportation is the movement of an object from one place to another instantaneously. The teleportation I’ll be referring to for the duration of these 3 posts is biological/digital teleportation, the process of teleportation where an object is digitized then sent across electromagnetic waves to a new location where it will be converted back to matter. The 3D printer is as the name implies is a printer capable of printing 3D objects, or in better terms a 3D printer is a machine which can create a three dimensional object through the process of creating several layers of material over and over again. Now the question that some might be asking now is how would these two separate inventions come together as one and unfortunately I’m not going to explain that in this first post I will leave some hints.
The focus of this first post will be going into the benefits of an invention that can digitalize an object and convert it back its original form but doesn’t send it anywhere. Now some might ask, what would be the point of this? And the answer is relatively short and simple, storage. What if there was an invention capable of merely digitalizing an object and storing it until it needs to be converted back into its original form? In my mind this would be a major scientific accomplishment.
Just think about it for a moment, an invention that can digitize an object and store it for a while could change society. Let me guess, you can’t see how? Well here’s a question for you, what do you use your refrigerator for? Now imagine if your refrigerator had the ability to keep all of its contents the exactly same as the day you put them in because let’s not forget that food eventually goes bad but it’s impossible for digital objects to go bad, unless they’re affected by viruses.
Now let’s move on to the fun part, how digitalizing an objects and storing them can change the world. If you can digitalize all the food in the world then guess what you can do? Nothing. What? Did you think I was going to say, continuously increase food production, hold a strong food supply, and then eventually end world hunger. Sorry, but unless someone is transporting these machines everywhere and making sure that any food that leaves the machine is either quickly cooked and eaten or placed into another version of the machine then the food will still perish. This machine unfortunately cannot end world hunger without the ability to transfer the food over electromagnetic waves to another version of the machine.
A machine that can digitalizing an objects and storing them is not a total loss though because it could theoretically store humans instead of food. Why would it store humans? It could store people who have diseases that can’t be cured or people who wish to see the future, Futurama anyone. Well that’s it for this post. I’ll try to have part 2 up by Thursday. See ya!

​Let me know what you think. Is this something you can see in the far distant future. Do you like the idea? Am I just an idiotic dreamer? Email me at and let me know. Also please let me know if you see any typos in any of my posts or if you have a name for this invention.