Hahaha. Yeah, snakes, spiders, crocs, sharks, poisonous fish, jellyfish, octopuses... a kangaroo can even kill a man... plus the cute and cuddly koala population have chlamydia which you can catch...
Well I did a little research and it's not recommended.
I have posted some useful evidence based advice regarding the Chironex fleckeri commonly known as the Boxjelly.
Here's a fun fact too lol. My phone keeps spell correcting boxjelly to bachelor. 😂 I'm not kidding.
😘 love you xNice going @azurejasper. Distract me mid comment to feed the baby, and steel my pee on the victim comment while sitting on the
Hahaha. Yeah, snakes, spiders, crocs, sharks, poisonous fish, jellyfish, octopuses... a kangaroo can even kill a man... plus the cute and cuddly koala population have chlamydia which you can catch...
Well I did a little research and it's not recommended.
I have posted some useful evidence based advice regarding the Chironex fleckeri commonly known as the Boxjelly.
Here's a fun fact too lol. My phone keeps spell correcting boxjelly to bachelor. 😂 I'm not kidding.
😘 love you xNice going @azurejasper. Distract me mid comment to feed the baby, and steel my pee on the victim comment while sitting on the