How are Resources Distributed Equitably?
Distribution of goods and services without the use of money or tokens would be accomplished through the establishment of distribution centers. Exhibition centers would display what is newly available. For a visit to Yellowstone National Park, you could check out a camera or camcorder, use it, and then return it to another distribution center or drop-off. This eliminates long term personal storage and maintenance issues.
There would also be a 3D, flat-screen imaging unit in each home where an order could be placed and the item automatically delivered – with no servitude, price tag nor debt of any kind. This includes housing, clothing, education, health care, entertainment, etc.
Raw materials would be transported directly to manufacturing facilities by automated transportation “sequences”, using ship, monorail, mag-lev train, pipeline, and pneumatic tube. An automated inventory system would integrate the distribution centers and manufacturing facilities in order to coordinate production with demand. In this way, a balanced-load economy could be maintained. Shortages, over-runs, and waste would be eliminated.
More than 75% of raw resources are wasted in the current production of material goods. In a Resource Based Economy, all waste would be recycled. The only priority would be to design using the highest quality so that products would last with little or no service. Many electronic parts would become components, for convenient repair and upgrade. Planned obsolescence would not exist.
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I wonder what the economic benefit those cars represent? Perhaps they all people engage in greater specialization by being able to conveniently commute to where more specialized jobs are.
Those cars represent the immense waste of resources.
To be more specific, those privately owned cars are. Self-monitoring systems can be developed to keep track of usage and provide cars when required wherever required.
In simpler and more relatable terms, imagine the self-driving uber like service just without the company monopoly. See for more.
I am not against using resources more efficiently. The draw back to uber like entities is that farther than a few miles, the cost gets very high. Ever take a 50 mile uber trip? Prohibitively expensive. Probably around 100 dollars. Cars are the most time and money efficient way to get to places more than a few miles apart. And uber only works well in urban areas.
I meant uber like service in terms of how it is available only when we need it, and you don't need to own the car itself.
You might like reading this book to get a better look at what life in a Resource Based Economy can be.
Yes, and I pointed out that it is sometimes a more efficient use of resources to own a car.
Every economy is resource based. And so far, capitalism blows away any other economic system in the efficient use of resources. The main economic problem we are facing now is that our monetary units have been compromised. This has all kinds of horrible consequences. Once a stable currency is reintroduced into the economy, things will turn around.
All anyone can do, is to live a sustainable lifestyle. Above all, stay out of debt. Don't carry a balance on any credit card, buy small items with cash. Don't get a loan for a new car, buy a car that you can afford to own outright. Pay for your education as you can afford to pay for it. Don't buy a house, rent until you can buy a house. When you reign in your desires to match your income, things get better.
I'd say they represent a mindset that is flawed, "convenient" is a nice word, I'd say it's far more convenient to actually talk to people and use modes of transportation that don't require 30 times what is necessary to get to a place, if those cars are all necessary and required we must be really specialised, but in my mind 90% of the economy is totally useless and bloated, including production and manufacturing, selling and reselling, marketing and telecommunications, .... seems really useless to me, it just creates noise and clutter and wastes time and effort, but hey I can't say we know what we are doing, so I'm part of that, I can just say I'm convinced things could be much simpler, because in reality they are and in our warped televised one, we are basically a show on earth, that's getting nowhere quick ...
by the way, having ~400 specialists should mean that place is doing amazing things, usually 5-10 people make pretty big things... so 400 if they are capable of working together should be doing quite a lot, in that case the cars could be excused if it was really important those people get somewhere two hours faster... since that's 800+ hours a day saved and used more efficiently, sadly thou driving cars isn't always stimulating the imagination or creativity :)
Yes, cars don't stimulate imagination or creativity. They enable efficiency.
sure, search for "traffic" and "pollution" if you don't see that in the air around big cities where there are lots of nervous people trying to get from point A to point B every day, stuck in repeat, pretty efficient and special :)
Now imagine them all on horseback...
sounds great, but also too good to be true, that would take a whole mindset we are lacking, plus I'm not sure it's the right one, imagine having 100 billion people on the face of the earth, we can't deal with 0 billion right now, if we upscale and actually have 0 waste(which is pretty natural in the biosphere) then what, plus what about the wildlife... or are we gonna build around the forests ... I think it's still going to be disruptive to species, well far less than what is currently the norm, I used to be a fan of the Venus project, but with the latest movie and my change of heart(so to say) I can't really imagine it working any time soon, currently even setting up a experiment is gonna cost millions, imagine just connecting two towns by all of that and making all the necessary equipment for the facilitation of what you described above, I can tell you for a fact, you need at least 50k people and a few millions... I don't have any time or millions to spare at the moment :)
I can tell you even with the current world we can do 99% better, it's possible, will be very hard since we are lazy and stupid for some reason... and we are growing even lazier and stupider with all the technology taking the "smart" out of us, but that's just my opinion, based on my experience and a few decades of trying to work out my flaws and improve :)
good luck with the project I'm glad to see you again, I checked on you a few months ago and saw you weren't posting since the few intro posts :) ok I take that back I have enough to watch through, thank you for the uploads :)
I do not agree to that start, but yeah, great mind :)
technically I do agree that sports and most of religion, but I will quote the comment from
ok thanks for the post and the lots of other posts, I would love to cover this feed :) sorry if I'm going off on tangents :) I do agree our current economy is crazy, insane, has nothing economic in it, not to mention it's detrimental to us and everything around, so everything... it comes from our collective stupidity and lack of trust and communication, I don't think technology alone can solve the mess we've made for ourselves :) that's just me again... sorry if I'm too salty :D