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RE: Could Blockchain Technology like Steemit save Science from Budget Cut Backs? 🔬

in #science7 years ago

I think in some cases the "scientific" institutions and the way they are run currently in some cases ARE the problem. Getting cut off might shake things up a bit and force them to regroup. I agree with the premise that a nation which is cutting back on its R&D is shooting its own foot long term. But the premise that more funds for research automatically means more scientific progress needs to be looked at.
I think the whole system of scientific research is seriously rotten.
My wife is finishing up her PhD in chemistry and the things that are going on there beggar belief... basically the whole objective of the exercise is getting published and get grants.
But what gets grants is not exactly scientific neither is it really contributing to scientific knowledge.
I would judge a lot of what goes on in this research institution as highly suspect in the sense that a lot of papers are not reproducible. As a system I believe it needs serious overhaul.

On the other hand, there are some interesting developments going on. Currently very visible with Jordan Peterson. Currently a bit controversial because of some social justice warrior conflicts (themselves arguably bit of an exponent of a dysfunctional university system)
Whether you agree with him or not, he is now making a huge impact with his teachings about psychologies and humanities research. The controversy got him notoriety and the man makes a lot of sense so his audience is getting huge (all in all approaching 50 million views)
Through Patreon he is up to about 39.000 USD per month. He is plowing that money into lectures which he records and makes available online for free. Arguably it is now possible to get, through his work and that of others, access for free to a more complete humanities education than within the university.
On the other hand I think that the monopoly of universities on generating scientific progress is being eroded quickly in some fields.
First by their own failure to keep up scientific standards (check out cargo cult science discussion by Richard Feynman)
Second because the stranglehold of paid journals on the publications is slowly eroding (more and more open source efforts)
Third because of technological advances, which are making some tools more accessible (you can have a gene sequencer in your garage these days e.g.)
Fourth because the internet allows ad-hoc groups to form virtually, and like you said get their funds from crowdsourcing, renting lab time as required without having to own expensive equipment (think Airbnb for laboratories) or hybrid campaigns like Tim Ferriss' which is getting the funds for a study that the traditional "scientific" community simply refused to look at because it is politically sensitive and would never get funded.
Cutting funding is also cutting the ties that control research, if there are alternate means of funding maybe that frees up scientific curiosity to look beyond the bounds of what is politically acceptable....


That is such an amazing comment, wish people dove in like that more often. And I agree with you on all facts, the science we have right now is highly manipulated and highly a business format so much I almost at times think the Central Banks even own that with our Government. I need to read up on Jordan Peterson, not very educated on his efforts there but I will check into that.

My thing is this, the world seems to have derailed in a lot of areas. I think a decentralized scientific platform where we as people host where funds can go on a basis they present their research to the world and thus have a system in place to really fund the right important things that benefit human kind is very much in need. How to go about that I am unsure but I do see the very corruptions in the scientific community as well. But your also right, cutting funding does free them from the ties that bind them as well and giving up control of Government on them. That is a positive outlook I failed to hit on

The whole political situation is quite silly, but I love it because the attempt to gag him in effect has backfired and given him a bigger platform than 100 universities put together. I'd recommend not to look too much into the political stuff as life is too short... That episode in itself is illustrating why universities are fast putting themselves out of business. Sadly he is one of a very few group of professors who refused to be cowed. Most of them are (even if they have tenure!) going out of their way not to make waves. Not exactly scientifically minded.
But Petersons series on psychology are mindblowing pieces of philosophy founded on the great thinkers! You don't have to agree with him, but it makes you think and it inspires a lot.

He puts his whole lectures online which are a bit much but a great channel edits them in bite sized chunks per theme: here is a selection on motivation: the channel has others
He also has an outstanding podcast with Joe Rogan (more political starting out but throughout some amazing philosophical observations...

I agree, life is too short to get too wrapped up with politics, especially the immorality going on within it all around the world. See that is how I view science, they should be making waves in the system...its about making the human condition better and learning so its obvious to me to do that you would need to crack a few eggs and be ahead of the system a bit. Instead they let themselves be controlled which stifles the growth process of discovery. I am going to check out that link in few....curious to learn more always.