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RE: Bacterial Samples Obtained From Public Toilets Profile STD's Prevalent In A Given Community

in #science8 years ago

This is pretty disturbing for sure. Trichomoniasis fortunately die very quickly in unfavorable conditions (when under a microscope they will die in minutes and are actually hard to visualize in time).

A good public health solution is to have wrapping around the seat of the toilet that can be switched after each user. I actually saw these in the Chicago airport awhile ago.

Nice research!


It's not so much a health issue (it is pretty gross though), but perhaps could be a useful tool for getting a feel for what strains of bacteria are prevalent in a given population. Could help in allowing for faster identification of the best possible treatments. More info for doctors is never a bad thing.

For sure! We may know a lot about health but there are way too many studies to be fully up-to-date!