Biopyramid Competition - 7 Days - Day #4 - Win PXD Biopyramid or Two more Rewards worth 50 SBD - Registration in progress

in #science7 years ago (edited)

If the Challenge is Your Mission, Energies Your Life & for all those that like mysteries, fantasies, travels,...and much more from life.

Make or You have already made Your Photo with a Pyramid, Plastic, Wooden, Metal, Keops Pyramid, Mexican Pyramids, Sahara Pyramids, Paris Pyramid or other and win:
1st Prize: PXD Biopyramid,
2nd Prize: PXD Twosided medallion ( B ) &
3rd Prize: PXD Mobichip.

Of course, You have to be on the photo with the Pyramid.


Applicants Photos:

DQmUc2JXUpjtYhZyutuX4qkFfy1exzW5AvYtFqN5x1CEnzh.jpg @robvann

= Every person can take a part in the Competition

= Place the photo in the comments space
= The post needs to be Upvoted
= The post needs to be Resteemed
= Photo must be original ( Must be a personal user picture - max one photo)
= Awards relate only to this post = That person needs to be @tatjanastan Follower

= Voting will be done on the eigth day
= All new Applied photos will be published once a day in a post
= Voting can be done only from the Applicants

= Applicants who applied photos will be voting on the eighth day

= Winners will get the Reward by post on their address


PXD Biopyramid
PXD Biopyramid is the unique space protector from Electromagnetic Radiation & Geopathic Radiation named as plague of 21st Century. It has 4 Certificates for Quality.
It protects 153 m2, from:
Electromagnetic radiation which comes from outside factors ( transmission lines, transformation stations, aerials, electrical devices...) and inside electrical devices ( TV, Computer Monitor, light, wireless,…etc );
Underground water sources;
Deranged Earth magnetism;
Hartman's and Currie's global net;
See more details at:

PXD Two sided medallion ( B )
PXD Two sided medallion ( B ) personal protector that has 2 Certificates for Quality, has a few basic functions. It neutralizes the harmful radiation from:
· Underground water sources
· Deranged Earth magnetism
· Hartman's and Currie's global net as well as
· Electromagnetic radiation that comes from the outside factors (transmission lines, transformatory stations, aerials, electrical devices).
· This product gives up to 40 per cent physical strength to the body as well as balancing the energy that helps in maintaining excellent body shape.
See more details at:

PXD Mobichip
PXD Mobichip is a card for mobile phones that neutralizes the harmful electromagnetic radiation. It has 2 Certificates for quality and is certified and recommended by the International Society for Electrosmog - Research IGEF in Germany & BION Institute Slovenia.
See more details at:

Third photo source:

Wish You a Successful Competition,
Your Well - Wishing