Observing entropy - #12 Questions, Curiosity, Wonderment

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Source An example of Entropy: (Light Waves through a Prism)

There are so many questions that I've been storing around that I couldn't figure out their answer,... I'd like to listen to different hypothesis/opnions. Summing them up together might result in a theory :)

1. How can we hear another person's voice when thinking in our subconscious? As if it adopts that voice for a short period of time. Why so?

ex: you are working at some place new with new colleagues and someone perhaps talks and says something that gets your attention and you repeat what he/she said in your mind. with their voice. but sometimes there's a case when you have a conversation in your mind with yourself and you adopt their voice to replace your inner voice.

When that little voice talks to you in your mind, you hear your voice usually. But say you watched a movie and it was interesting, especially a certain character, you start to think and replace your inner voice with his/hers.

to sum it up: we sometimes replace our inner voice which usually is ours with someone elses.


2. Why can we usually concentrate better at thinking by playing with a pen or similar situations such as walking when talking on the phone... why do we got to change position?

..suddenly our body language changes as if hypocrisy kicks in and our body moves almost unconsciously..

3. Why do we feel better when sharing our problem(s)?

Is it because we divide the problem? (is this an illusion?)

4. Why people with better attributes such as beauty are naturally more rewarded than others? Why do we automatically give them more help? To be with them? what would benefit us with that? better social status? Because we would posess something pretty? Why do we do them more/better favours compared to the others?

I think this is enough for today, hope it doesn't fry your brain, mine nearly did. :))


Lots of NLP stuff in here, I never really studied NLP. I have an idea of it because people keep saying to me "thats what my NLP teacher said" lol..

Pretty sure there is only one reality, though we all resonate to it differently.
So what works, simply works, and when can repeat that, it is as close to truth as we need to get. Anything else is just words and theories, but are fun too.

Remember memory and emotion are linked and the body is also a storage device as life is about action. Skill is all, thinking that helps skill is skilful, thinking that hampers action....is pathology, well probably :)

your questions help me immensely, hope your also having fun with all this, though some of it is painful it is usually the bits we want to let go of :)

Remember memory and emotion are linked and the body is also a storage device as life is about action. Skill is all, thinking that helps skill is skilful, thinking that hampers action

I'll definetly remember that :)