TEACH : Don't Be Glued to The Only Method

in #science7 years ago (edited)


A teacher should master of learning methods. The method is a way to achieve the goal. The purpose one of the factors is good or not in use methods. In the process of learning need to choose the methods that can be easily understood by learners.

The size of the success of learners is very influential on educators. Where the use of learning methods. One of the educators must find what method is most suitable to be applied on when teaching. The teaching and learning process is a complex activity. So it is not easy to choose one method directly efficiently.

The Purpose and The Use of Learning Methods

A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. These strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner. For a particular teaching method to be appropriate and efficient it has to be in relation with the characteristic of the learner and the type of learning it is supposed to bring about. Suggestions are there to design and selection of teaching methods must take into account not only the nature of the subject matter but also how students learn. [ source ]

Submitting lesson material is the method. The learning method is the manner of the presentation used by educators in individual or group. In general, educators choose methods lectures, discussion group, and question-answer. With the hope of achieving the purpose of the lesson.

The activities of the teaching and learning process an interaction human elements to achieve the goal of teaching. With the analysis of the position was born as a means of motivation and extrinsic methods, strategy and purpose.

The use of the method lectures, discussion groups, question-answer, a summary of the material, experiment material objects, seek solutions, and master description. With the aim to motivate, stimulate, activate and develop the potential of students. To understand the many methods, educators easy to define the method in accordance with the conditions.

The Function of The Method and The Psychology of Education

A educators must control education psychology and the science of the soul. To assess the ability of students. So it can determine with easy to use teaching methods.

Techniqu to directly observe the functioning of the brain during the learning process, such as event-related potential and functional magnetic resonance imaging, are used in educational neuroscience. [ source ]

So, in accordance with the explanation above, self-psychology is one of the ways to understand the condition of the students. So it is not complicated in the determination of the appropriate method used. The use of teaching method is very dependent on the purpose of the lesson.

Social cognitive theory revolves around the process of knowledge acquisition or learning directly correlated to the observation of models. The models can be those of an interpersonal imitation or media sources. Effective modeling teaches general rules and strategies for dealing with different situations. [ source ]

Social cognitive theory (SCT), used in psychology, education, and communication, holds that portions of an individual's knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences. [ source ]

n accordance with the quotation above, can be explained that the social cognitive theory is a method for the distribution of the knowledge in the perspective of the agent. Because of the knowledge can be controlled by a person through the interaction and the soul that is active.

So the agents of change as the perpetrators to form the changes to a someone.
Then not only the needed methods explored in learning. But a significant effect on the nature of the learners. among others;

  1. The object of the environment as a learning place
  2. Personal interests
  3. The purpose of togetherness
  4. Active individuals
  5. Adjust browning setting
  6. Action deplomasi attitude
  7. The awareness of the individual
To optimize the understanding of the learners on the object of learning is very influential against the nature of the individual toward the mastery of knowledge. Because the perception of the condition related to the students. The behavior of students can change the understanding of learning. The practice in learning spur intellectual students to sharpen their understanding of the power that high.

The seven items in the above is there must be on the individual. This will accelerate the mastery of knowledge in learning. With the ability of the individual to control himself is adult steps. So the target achievement in the learning process is not hindered. However boosted by the willingness and the talent of the individual. This is very good on the interaction of the learning process.


Based on the above exposure, it can be concluded that the method of learning as the pattern of the presentation of the lessons that will be used by educators both individually or in groups. The method lectures, discussion, q and the group is a way to teach or the presentation of learning materials.

To get the purpose and hope in learning. One of the educators must be able to stimulate the students in learning. Because of all the effect on the nature of students. include;

  1. The object of the environment as a learning place
  2. Personal interests
  3. The purpose of togetherness
  4. Individual Keaktivan
  5. Adjust browning setting
  6. Action deplomasi attitude
  7. The awareness of the individual

Reffrence Source:

Teaching method source
Learning source
Components source
Social cognitive source

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