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RE: "The Hunters And Gatherers Issue" - An Open Letter To My Future Ex Affair

in #science8 years ago

One size does NOT fit all when it comes to relationships, is all I'm saying.

I fully agree and that's actually what I said in my article: it's about making decisions. You did that and are definitely a wonderful example. However, there are many people who are too weak to compromise.

I'm glad you lived such a wonderful love story.
It happend to me, too, a couple of years back in my very first relationship so I can relate. It was even love at first sight. We saw each other (at a basketball game) and knew we were meant to be together. The next day we started to be a couple, and during 6 years we were inseparable. Then we developed into different directions and broke up (peacefully), but still this was something special.

Every story is different as we are all different.


I am posting my 'a call girl. a couple. an adventure. #2 in the next hour or so- you will appreciate it , and understand it, more than most, I think. I would love you to read it! (#1, and fork in the road#1 - you might like. too!)