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RE: a

in #science7 years ago

what many, many people fail to realize about the curvature argument is:
Yes, we Flat Earthers like to point out that the curve from left to right is very VERY hard to find. I personally have never seen it, and yes i have been in a plane..multiple times. Its annoying everytime someone tells me I will see the curve, that altitude to see it keeps rising.. What you fail to realize is the larger controversy with the curve, and that is the curve on our z-axis, or the downward curve. This is the elusive curve that cannot be proven, but it dis-proven time and time again. Focusing on the left to right curve may belong in the pseudo-science category purely because it is un-testable. Like you said in your post, "It's simply irrational and unrealistic to believe that you can just see the curvature of the earth from the ground, or even at as high an elevation as many high altitude balloons go, around 100,000 feet." Since you cannot prove it yourself, you must look at different angles of the argument, such as the curve on your z-axis.

PS: I love how you throw in a "Flat Earth Half truths" section. Very hypocritical when your entire post is nothing but a half-truth.. smh


I showed you EXACTLY why you cannot see the curve from a plane or on the ground. Your expectations are simply irrational. I don't know how I could make it any more clear. Why you would EXPECT to see it on a surface as large as the earth, after I explained it to you, I have no idea.

However, the curve has been proven, literally millions upon millions of times. In fact, your hero, Rowbotham lost his bet to a SURVEYOR who proved the curvature. And the Globebusters high altitude balloon showed the exact curvature expected for 100,000 feet. It is visible and measurable on their non-fish eye lens. There are many other high alt. balloons that show the EXACT curvature that would be expected at 100,000 feet, which is slight, but measurable when a straight edge is taken to it.

You can actually see the curve yourself, but not the way you THINK you should see it. Get a theodolite app and go up to a tall building or edge of a cliff with unobstructed view of the horizon.

Voila, you JUST PROVED the curvature. You saw it with your own eyes. The horizon drop is the curvature of the earth. As it simply the distance to the horizon increasing as you go up, as that is measurable and predictable and the math is based on a sphere.

There simply would be no horizon on a flat earth, and no horizon drop. Why would there be?

So, yes, I talk about flat earth half truths and lies, and you just proved my claim. You either lied or are simply utterly ignorant about the literal millions of times that the curvature of the earth has been measured.

That you refuse to actually discover this, or even test it yourself with a theodolite app, and that you will not accept the MOUNTAINS of other evidence that supports a spherical earth, and the dozens of things that falsify a flat earth, is testament to your willingness only to confirm your bias and nothing more.

This is the curvature PROVEN right here, as just one of the literal millions upon millions of times it's been OBSERVED, proven, measured, documented, repeated, and peer reviewed. A few hours with a surveyor and you could actually take accurate measurements of the curvature too... but you will only do things that confirm you bias.

Typical flat earth dishonesty/ignorance.

See how the horizon is below the crosshairs on the app, and the horizon is at level? That is horizon dip, which is the curvature of the earth. Flat earth disproven, curvature observed and proven. Please take your half truths and unwillingness to observe the things you can observe that would DISPROVE your argument elsewhere. I'm not interested in listening to dishonesty and willful ignorance.

horizon dip theodolite app.JPG