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RE: Oral Vitamin D Supplementation Drastically Reduces Inflammation From A Sunburn

in #science8 years ago

I have spent many years researching on impact of Sunlight on the human body. After recieving my Medical degree i started working with a non profit based in Kerala called Sooryayog foundation. Its work was to help increase the understanding of Sungazing , Sunbathing , Sun salutation, Sun mantras etc . Heliotherapy , Chronoastrobiology was all part of it . In this period i got to teach thousands this art of Sun gazing and Solar kriyas . I also learnt a lot in that period . I came on this particular book
by Zane r kime .
There is a chapter of Sun burning in which he says that he would help people with recurrent sun burning by changing their diets. A diet which is rich in fruits and vegetable is the best prevention to Sun burning.

Further there is an important function of the Eyes which involves Sun gazing . Sun gazing done at sunrise and sunset triggers a peculiar hypnotic response alongwith relaxation to the body . The process also helps in improving eyesight of myopics and hypermetropics . I think i will write a separate article for this.


I think i will write a separate article for this.

Sounds good :)