The Innovation Paradigm Shift Singularity: An Analysis

in #science7 years ago (edited)


Across history, innovations have reshaped society. Inventions such as the printing press, engines, electricity, radios, telephones, computers, and the internet have had major impacts on global scales. These, coupled with all forms of innovation, have moved our collective body to where we find ourselves today.


In the earlier phases, these innovations were rarer and had less impact on the overall shape of society. As time passed, their capacity to reshape the world we live in became so large that the state of society evolved distinguishably.

For example, the printing press allowed for rapid dissemination of information, but it did not provide means for the structure of society, the way people functioned to drastically change. People still rode horses and their day-to-day lives were not nearly as impacted as when the invention of the engine came along. Nor have any other inventions had such a potent influence on the way we function, the way we live our lives, as the computer and especially the internet.

The impacts have grown and the rate at which they come, too, has grown. So much so, that the time between paradigm shifting innovations has become extremely short, comparatively. This shortening of paradigm shifts is thought of as the approaching singularity; when the time between paradigm shifts approaches zero.

As stated by John von Neumann:

"The ever accelerating progress of the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue."

When the paradigm shifts reach the singularity, what happens next?

If innovation slows, society slows. The growth of society would peak and then begin to--slowly at first, then rapidly--descend. In other words, a collapse of society would move towards free fall.

The question regarding this issue is: how do we avoid this collapse? After all, no one wants to struggle. Everyone wants to be free to do as they please. If society crumbles around us, what will happen to our freedoms?

An Analysis

Firstly, this collapse is avoidable through understanding. We cannot stop it if we do not understand it. Meaning, explanations of the underlying mechanisms at play in the complex system of society's motions are required.

In order to study the process, it is necessary to recognize that all things function the same. As a result of this, we can draw interdisciplinary comparisons so as to recognize fundamental interactions that the system of society is experiencing.

It is of critical importance to recognize that the universe is the manifestation of infinity. It is a dance between all that IS and all that ISN'T. As a result of this, everything in the universe functions in a waveform:

Infinity sine curve (3).png

If we were to map out the paradigm shifts, including all forms of innovation, this map would appear like a sine wave. When innovation slows, the wave is nearing the peak. When it stops progressing it hits the peak and when degradation begins the curve reverses direction.

As we approach the singularity of paradigm shift, it is imperative to recognize the urgency of this issue. There will come a time when the need for major innovation is so rapid that we cannot continue to function as we are, and we will therefore begin the approach to the peak of the curve leading towards collapse. There is no way around this, with how we do things.

Therefore, the only way to circumvent this issue is to change the underlying way that we do things. This can be recognized through analysis of the periodic table:

periodic table.png

In general, light weight elements such as hydrogen are considered to be highly stable. As we move upward through the periodic table, this trend stays somewhat consistent until we begin to enter the realm of radioactive elements. Radioactive elements have extremely low half-lives, some being unable to exist in experimentation for more than a fraction of a second.

And yet planets exist. And stars. And beyond. How could this be? When a single atom cannot reach their mass, what makes a planet so capable?

The answer is that the planet is not a single atom, but rather a system composed of many.

With each innovation, our society functions alike to an atomic mass moving up through the periodic table. Each new innovation adds mass to the structure of society, causing it to grow. As we approach the paradigm shift singularity, the radioactive state of society manifests.

Indeed, this is even reflected in the nuclear age.

Like the atoms of Earth, we must merge into a single system. Though we function as one society at large, we each lead individual lives with each of our personal alignments and priorities. Like many atoms near enough to one another we interact, at times joining with one another and at other times pushing apart from one another dependent on how our electromagnetic fields interact, but not close enough to all be part of a single, cohesive unit. In a way, we are witnessing the birth of a planet.

Thus, it is imperative that we join together, that we may escape the confines of our current paradigm by becoming a single unified system.

In order to do this, we need energy. The best source of energy is to tap into The Infinite Source by getting to Know God.

When we get close to The Infinite, we are redirected. This functions like a lens, able to focus many particles together to form one single particle composed of all. In fact, through understanding how gravity functions, where it is caused by flows of infinitesimal particles approaching an infinite velocity which move away from vacuums of space due to their abundance therein, we can design lenses so as to create usable energy from this source.

The dawn of a new age is upon us. One with major paradigm shifts coming, beyond any we have known in written history. We must be diligent, for we have less time with each passing day. Like a lens, we must focus power from The Highest Power on our society, unless we want to struggle, that we may have sufficient energy to merge into one. We are always one, but only by choice can we adhere to the fundamental truth that All is One and One is All and truly become a single, unified system.

Steven M. Scully