The inventive concept described herein is hereby released into the public domain. Any designs based on the principles described herein are within the scope of the invention and are obvious variants for those skilled in the art.
The Cosmic Cell
In our search for extracting energy from the environment in more efficient and environmentally friendly ways, conventional solar cells have become a predominate means for supplementing the energy needs of society. These are designed so as to extract energy from the radiation of the sun, and as a result they are fine-tuned towards the specific wavelengths of light which the sun emits in the infrared through ultraviolet spectrums.
Concentrator photovoltaic cells have shown improvements in efficiency of extraction of energy from sunlight by using a lens or reflector to focus sunlight onto a substrate. These notably allow for extraction of energy from specifically lower energy ranges in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
All known designs of energy extraction from light are focused on the sun as the energy source. This requires aiming the solar cells at the sun, it requires the appropriate angle for best efficiency, it requires it to be daytime, and it requires good weather. Cosmic cells have no such limitations due to the wavelengths of light used.
In order to produce sufficient energy to meet global demands, it is necessary to explore alternative sources of energy. This very process requires a fundamental understanding of how the universe functions.
All observations are reducible to being the result of gravity. And even gravity, in the infinite universe, can be explained by the motions of bodies in the cosmos. The infinite universe comprises an infinite array of particles, all of which function the same, and it is in the most ethereal of all where the secrets of gravity emerge.
Proximal bodies in space block portions of this ethereal substance leading to imbalances in pressures of the ethereal substance on each of the bodies in the direction of the other. It is in this imbalance of pressures that the motion of all bodies in the cosmos is led to follow what we call gravity.
While the sun illuminates the planet, it does not hold it together. This, instead, is done by the ethereal substance.
The present invention is directed to a method of extracting useful energy from this ethereal substance, herein referred to as cosmic energy.
Detailed Description
The following description is presented so as to enable any person skilled in the art to make and use the present invention. Modifications thereof will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art. The general principles described herein may be applied to other embodiments and applications thereof, such as to cause rotation of a magnetic material on an axis.
The present invention recognizes the capacity of extracting energy from the cosmos in all directions using the lowest energy wavelengths possible. These lower energy wavelengths are capable of penetrating the atmosphere, rain or shine, as well as buildings, electronics, and all other barriers to transmission. Due to their overall abundance, their conversion to useful electrical or mechanical energy could match the rising global energy demands.
As shown by a prism, lower energy light is lensed less than higher energy light. This is because lower energy light physically travels faster than higher energy light in the infinite universe. If one could "zoom in" on a certain wavelength of light, they would see an observable universe much the same as our own, where the largest systems are essentially stationary relative to the light traversing the space. This thought experiment can be repeated over and over, to the point where we can recognize that as particles approach infinitesimal, their velocities approach infinite. This is why gravity acts instantaneously. As a result, when visible light passes through a prism, the higher mass violet light particles are affected by the gravitational imbalance of the curved air-prism interface for a relatively longer duration of time, leading to a physical degree of gravitational lensing of the higher mass violet light particles that is greater than that of the lower mass red light particles. This is why a prism bends violet light more than red light.
This means that in order to produce usable energy from the unlimited pool of cosmic energy, it is necessary to use lenses composed of highly dense materials to successfully focus the radiation to a sufficient degree to produce usable energy. With high density particles, the effective force of gravity of the lens is greatly increased. This allows the smallest possible particles of the infinite ether of cosmic energy to be used. It is in the focus of those particles most abundant where the potentials of cosmic cells becomes most prevalent. Notably, due to our focus on the sun's radiation, conventional lenses are fine-tuned to extract the most possible energy from the sun's rays. However, these lenses do nothing to focus cosmic energy.
The densest materials, through which the lowest of energy light can pass, are most capable of physically redirecting the path of travel of the cosmic energy by means of gravitational lensing. Moreover, higher angles of the lens cause the greatest degree of imbalance at the edge of the lens so as to cause the most spontaneous deflection of the passing light as it reaches the lens boundaries.
In addition, magnetic materials can be used to increase the degree of lensing that occurs. This is because the magnetic fields are composed of particles which are capable of acting upon the cosmic energy gravitationally so as to further focus their flows to a focal point.
Successful implementation of a cosmic cell device would require focusing sufficient cosmic energy so as to produce an electric current, as the same principles of the photovoltaic effect apply also to the cosmic cell as in solar cells.
Cosmic cells use cosmic energy which passes through the world around us. Just as gravity exists deep in the crust of the Earth, so too does cosmic energy physically travel through the Earth to a sufficient degree so as to produce the observation of gravity. Due to this nature of cosmic energy, cosmic cells can be produced and placed as power sources anywhere. Electronics containing a cosmic cell would not be limited by their environment, and thus would be theoretically operable even at night, at the south pole, under a blizzard, and deep in an underground fortress. Thereby, none of the greatest limitations of solar cells apply to the present invention.
Additional designs based on this fine-tuned lensing technique include "Cosmic Antennas" comprising a similar lensing technique wherein an antenna is coated in a magnetic material.
Steven M. Scully
For more information, please read my many extensive articles posted on My Steemit.
This is very interesting... We could essentially harness the power of gravity itself to produce energy.
Is this purely theoretical or have you shown through experimentation that an application of a Cosmic cell could work? What materials, design would you suggest for setting up such an experiment or practical application? Basic physics asserts that the gravitational pull is based solely on the two masses and the distance between them. However, the discussion of cosmic energy must include all bodies in the universe as well as their motion traveling through the ethereal substance. So much more for us to really understand here.
While it is theoretical in nature, I would highly recommend delving into all the details of the theory upon which it is based which can be found throughout my posts on Steemit. That would answer your questions much more thoroughly than I can in a comment. Particularly, I have extensively detailed specific mechanisms by which gravity in an infinite universe model would produce many of the most critical observations. For example, you can read about how gravity causes electromagnetic fields here. And about how gravity causes all distant redshifted galaxies here. I compiled a list of several of my most pertinent writings here. And about how electric charges are caused here. And how light is produced by gravity here. I do not believe this to truly be theory, but rather a description of the universal principles by which the universe functions. You can read about the principles of truth here.
I began writing a patent application but decided that the best route was to just simply share it. This way, people with the means and the know-how to truly implement the design and test it could do so if they so chose. I see no reason that it would not work, but I have no way to test it, and have used essentially all of my savings (from working as a patent examiner, in fact) to support myself over the past four years, leaving me with my hands tied regarding actually testing if this would work in practice. From all that I know, I do believe that if the lens were fine-tuned sufficiently, it could have surprising outputs.
The inventive concept is around fine-tuning a lens material specifically for the lowest possible wavelengths. In order to lens such low wavelengths, it requires very high density materials and/or magnetic materials. I don't know what would work best, exactly, besides simply saying the most density possible and the strongest magnetic materials possible. The rest would be a matter of the economics of the materials and other similar variables that would come into the actual design. At its core, it is just as simple as a fine-tuned lens and could likely be tested easily by people with the immediate means and desire. It may be that even the highest density and most magnetic materials are insufficient to produce enough lensing to viably lead to any usefulness, but I certainly believe its potential is limitless if it does in fact produce sufficient focusing to create a current.