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RE: Space Is Not Expanding and Why!

in #science7 years ago

Hi thanks again! There are definitely countless reasons to reject the expanding universe theory. Their solution to this faster than the speed of light problem was to say they aren't moving faster than the speed of light but that space is physically expanding, removing a large enough chunk of the redshift (Hubble's law) and assigning it to the result of this expansion, so as to maintain the theory. Then, the galaxies are interpreted to be only moving at a certain velocity below the speed of light and, voila, all is well as space is clearly expanding. Besides the whole distribution of an utterly false, completely untrue fundamental description of reality being presented as essentially true when the only thing true about it are the observations upon which it is built. Those aren't really focused on though, and mostly we just learn the interpretations which are, simply put, wrong every step of the way.