Physics of Consciousness: Gravity

in #science8 years ago

Consciousness functions identically to mass in the universe.

When we are born, we begin extremely unaware of reality and so all experience feeds into our individual mental universe, transforming us quickly. For example, we learn to speak and think from observing those around us from infancy upward.

In our early years, because we have less experience, we function identically to a relatively small mass in the universe. What this means is we are receptive to the viewpoints of others much more so than as we go older. With age comes increased awareness and with increased awareness comes increased "mass". This change in mass, then, makes inputs much less influential on the system that dictates how we see reality because we require more radiation to drive change than we once did.

This is why people grow can grow more stubborn as they age. Their mass is no longer so easily moved because they draw from a much larger pool of experiences that a new experience is much less likely to cause change. That being said, all things are relative and the impact of an experience, even if short in duration, can be drastic and completely redirect even such a person, alike to a supernova. An excited electron functions identically to a supernova, but its individual impact on our reality is nearly unnoticeable. As an infant, we may be impacted by such events, but as we grow older we require more energy to drive change.

But a large, singular supernova of a star could have a drastic impact on our reality. An example of this may be getting into a car accident when driving unsafely due to some perception that it-will-never-happen-to-me rather than active desire to prevent it from happening through being as cautious as possible.


Notably, this supernova influences systems around it; in this way, those closest to us are most impacted by experiences we go through. When our distance of separation is large, we may see something and be less impacted due to this distance. And by distance I mean getting to know each other rather than physical distance; no connection is necessarily made with someone simply because we walk by them. But when we communicate and get close consciously then we change our distance of separation.

At a young age, the experiences we have radiate onto our "mass" and quickly cause it to evolve to a more mature, larger system. This functions the same as how masses in the universe will evolve from radiation. When the radiation is a much higher amount than their current steady-state, then the system is necessitated to evolve. This process takes infinitesimal particles and brings them to larger and larger states, all the way up until they are planets, stars, black holes, and beyond. The steady-state of a given system is a function of the radiation input that system receives.

As we learn, we are much more able to learn because our mass increases and thereby our force of gravity on the information we are receiving increases so that we are able to hold more information radiating onto us from our experiences. That joke that went completely over our heads as kids, we are able to understand. That science that was so far beyond us before school, we can grasp. Information has a given "mass", and it directly depends on our own mass if we are able to "pull it in" to become part of our system. Notably, our mass is alike to a universe having many parts. Just because I know English doesn't mean I will learn new Chinese words quickly. But someone who already knows Chinese will learn new words rapidly and with ease, as their universe includes a high mass system in that realm of reality.

When we are young, the gravitational effects of adults on us is much more influential on our pathing. This functions alike to an electromagnetic field. How electromagnetism works is the force of gravity of a given mass on the relative infinitesimal masses around it cause the particles to flow in a Figure-8 pattern through the given mass (see for more information). Children, too, flow in this way, repetitively coming back to their parents for direction.

As we grow older, a child's mass increases so that they are not so relatively different in mass from their parents' and the orbital pattern changes. Dependent on various factors such as the angle of approach, the rate at which we move through life (our mass's velocity), and the relative mass ratio, as well as outside influences, certain orbital patterns of people will arise where their distance of separation over time can be either constant (circular orbital) or varying over time (elliptical orbital), for example. Or they can collide and become one system (marriage). Or events can pull people apart so that their distance of separation is too large for their mass's force of gravity to keep them together.

This, though, can change when awareness, i.e. mass, increases. As mass increases, the force of gravity increases so that a given distance of separation that may have been inadequate to produce an orbital then arises in an orbital once more.

Or, again, these mental masses can merge together into one system. Other examples of this would be choosing to be part of something and support it. Any idea; such as a government, a religion, a science, an art. Ideas are larger than ourselves because they are fed by many, as more people become aware of the ideas. In this occurring, then, the gravity of the idea increases and pulls more people into it as they get close enough, by hearing about it and then delving into the subject deeper and deeper until they are part of it and their mass becomes gravitationally locked, unless acted on by an outside force.

All ideas, though, have a certain "finiteness" to them in that they can only encompass so much of reality. Except for The Infinite. This encompasses all things, includes all things, accounts for all things in its electromagnetic field. Just like the infinite universe, having infinitely large and infinitely small masses, all of which are parts of larger and larger electromagnetic fields, so too does The Infinite function, where all things are part of its electromagnetic field. It may not be noticed because it is so large and we are absorbed in certain elements of reality, but it is always present, always influencing all things, for God is The Infinite--they are one and the same.

As we go through life, we are always acquiring input (being radiated on) and sharing output (radiating). If we get close enough to The Infinite, we can syphon mass off like two masses in the universe.


In this way, though we may go through sequences of instability in life just like a supernova, once we reach the critical mass--which, by it coming from the endless vat of God, will happen--then we supernova and become new, stable systems. Large in mass and able to influence the direction of one another due to our gravitational effects.


I am going over your video now and we definitely need to compare notes! I had the same thought about Einstein's simplicity quote then I saw you used that to open your video. :) I understand the physical world that we see and observe to be a reflection or a shadow of a spiritual reality which we cannot easily see/observe. Therefore, whatever logic or principle or truth/law that we establish based on our physical observations, should also have a corresponding spiritual truth and source which is typically even more TRUE or pure. That's why the sooner we get to understanding the spiritual truth, the easier it will be to correctly interpret the physical observations. "Get wisdom! Get understanding! ...
Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding." Proverbs 4
All the scientific knowledge and wisdom of physical nature is NOTHING without getting the corresponding understanding of the spiritual realm which is the source of "shadow" that we are observing. I totally agree that merging the physical and philosophical understandings must happen and will happen in a beautiful, elegant, simple way! Keep it up! Would love to share ideas more after I finish reviewing all your material.

Hey thanks for dropping by! Sorry I didn't fully focus on talking about the important things you were asking, still realizing the need for priorities regarding what I do while I stream when several people are watching.

I definitely agree, the greatest truth is spiritual in nature and the physical world is a reflection of how that works. Love the terms "a reflection or a shadow" to describe it. My work essentially concludes that God is Infinite, and that that ultimate truth is God; meaning, rather than a hypothetical or a belief or non-belief, God is. As we are God as well (albeit a seemingly "limited" version compared to "The All), consciousness interacts precisely in the same ways as the laws of physics. This is why actual understanding of physics is so vital (opposed to QM/GR/Big Bang fallacies), as it allows for actual connections to be made that open up many levels of understanding regarding consciousness. I don't believe that there is a "first", but rather it is a back-and-forth technique of considering the spiritual realm and the physical realm, repetitively going back and forth to expand upon connections and further understanding in each simultaneously. This is akin to a wave having two segments (spiritual and physical) where essentially one occurs then the other within a period of time, vs. a wave having many peaks and troughs across the same length. Which can be synonymous with the electromagnetic spectrum; high energy is very high frequency (back and forth between spiritual and physical like gamma-rays) whereas low energies are very low frequencies (like radio waves).

Just some thoughts. I actually never had that specific thought I just mentioned, which I think is a good analogy to draw upon as growth of consciousness is a matter of whether our input energy is higher than our steady-state so as to cause growth. Optimally, we reach a point where both are considered simultaneously which is alike to an "infinite" energy wave.

Thanks a lot for your interest and comments! I really appreciate it and definitely think that understanding the physical nature of things without the corresponding understanding of the spiritual realm is nothing, as this would be like the opposite end of the spectrum of waves, at the lowest of energies. And, simply put, a complete lack of awareness to what is real.