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RE: Climate change - How does it affect life?

in #science7 years ago

Business as usual is not an option. We have to make our activities far more sustainable. The first step is to admit there is a problem and more politicians have now. Others listen too much to those who want to maintain their polluting industry.

Even the climate change deniers must see that we are destroying the planet in other ways, e.g. oceans full of plastic, species going extinct.


man made climate change is a total lie. More co2 means more plants more and more life. Plants actually want to be in an environment of around 2000 ppm co2 . The plants are almost starving now. We are actually going into an ice age a mini one may last 30 to 50 years do to entering a grand solar minimum and in 4000 years there will be about 1 mile of ice above north america.

Most scientists would disagree. Meanwhile the world is choking on plastics and other pollution. I hope we can survive 4000 years