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RE: Anti Matter - The Fuel of the Future?

in #science7 years ago

Anti matter and the big bang

During the big bang an equal amount of matter and antimatter were created. But for some reason as far as we know in the end an unequal amount existed. For every billion antimatter particles a billion and one matter particles were created. We have theories but no solid evidence as to why this happened. This is one of the mysteries of the early universe.

fuel and energy

The main reason why it has been studied so much (by governments) is because it has a 100% conversion rate of mass into energy. This means it is the most efficient energy storage possible. This is E =MC^2 joules of energy. A single gram of antimatter can run an average computer for 1.7 * 10^12 years.Or about 12 times the age of the universe. That however doesn't factor in something. Anti matter also turns the same amount of matter into energy when they collide. The full amount of energy could run your computer for about 24 times the age of the universe. (if it only takes about 500 watts.) For comparison last I heard a nuclear fission explosion was at about 0.5% efficiency. No wonder the military wants to build bombs out of this stuff.


Thanks for the update and further information.
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