So you wake up , wash your face and drink your coffe after that you are pretty much ready to go to your work. Obviously when you are in some public transportation you get bored and you want to listen some quality music , but there is one obstacle waiting for you to ruin your entire day BAM 🔥! a knotted headphone cable.
Lets learn what is the mathematic behind this devastating incident. In 2006 scientest published an article named "spontaneous knotting of an agitated string" and the article contains result of 3416 experiments.
According to gathered amphiric results
The cables shorter then 46cm(18inches for my murican friends) have really little possibility to form a knot.
When the cable lenght increases the chance of forming a knot increases too.

The possibility of forming a knot for a 2m cable is approximately %50
The possibility of forming a knot for a cable which is longer then 2m is between %50 %60
The standart lenght for headphone cable is 140-160 cm and the odds for forming knot is ~%50.
Also researchers claims that every headphone cable is going to mix in your pocket if you give enough time. Because only one knot is enough to create a jungle of cables.

Here is the related article if you want to read furthermore : http://des.physics.ucsd.edu/DSmithKnotting.pdf
I leave it for 5 minutes to use the bathroom, spent 10 straightning them
I'm pretty amused that research is actually done for this phenomenon.
Keep up with the great physics post.
This is so true.
I struggle always with my headphones:-)
I once saw a presentation about knots from a mathematician. This guy is brilliant in explaining the theroy about it. Fun fact ist, that our DNA gets knotted all the time, but they can use a trick to unknot themselfs.
He also talkes about the möbiusstring, which is also a beautiful exaplme of how knots get formed in the first place.
This post made me smile about the little problems we have to face every day:)
Cheers and have a great day mate!
you have a great future on steemit
yes u r right @steemnantor3000 i hear about this article ,spontaneous knotting of an agitated string, and now again in ur post thanx to share again nice job
very good and informative thanks for share
Great post my friend...
OmG soo flipping funny & spot ON <bounce heavely on upvote button :D I have a white cable for ya to unknot, i mean as a help in all em black once LOL I think you also need to calculaite % increase of more then 1 knot as cord is now increased in flebibilety ,do to first knot ;) ???
Hardcore mathematics bro ! me no einstein
Ha ha you seemed to have your x & y' s in order, or at least as far as i could see, with the exception i added :P
Interesting Article, It seems we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. What we need is all cables to be on a spring mechinisim much like the plugin on a vacuum.
Im using bluetooth headset.
I like you post steeminator3000
That is so interesting :)
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I'm mostly curating in #science and am always glad to see quality posts like yours peeking out between the garbage and plagiarism!
Btw: The link you cited doesn't work, maybe you should look into that :P
I accept and I will fix the link
It seems the problem was on my end, couldn't open the link on my phone but it worked on the computer. I will nominate your post tomorrow!
Ayyyyyyyy The Turkish Sensation strikes again :)
Thanks - upvoted and resteemed. I'd like to include a link to this article in the next Math-Trail Magazine - hope that's OK with you!
you then read this article.
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