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RE: Trust the Science?

in #science3 months ago

Flerf is a government psyop.
My evidence? Well, I'll freely admit that I don't have a smoking gun, but it makes way too much sense to not be the case, and I'm hardly the only person to have come to that conclusion. A lot of dissidents are compulsive contrarians, and will reflexively believe the exact opposite of the mainstream narrative because "the US government lies about literally everything." Not only does this work to discredit any legitimate criticism of the current system by tying it to something totally asinine, but also keeps people distracted by rabbit holes to nowhere.
But enough about why the anti-war movement isn't taken seriously.


I'm a contrarian, but not to the point of a knee-jerk denial of anything the government says as totally false. Reality is more complicated because the most effective lies are much less than 180° off the mark.

And you're in the minority. Frustrating, innit?
