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RE: Flu Vaccines Elevate Air-Borne Flu Particles by 630% - USA National Academy of Sciences Publication

in #science7 years ago (edited)

I worked at Lonza Biologics as head of security. I went through FDA inspections, talked to Scientists that worked there, talked to drug reps daily while they waited to talk to the scientists. All I can post is my opinion from what I saw daily and from what our officers did during their shifts. I would not get the Flu shot or the HPV vaccine ever. Multi-shot vaccines are also dangerous.

There is anti-vax and smart-vax. I'm not against proven vaccines given at safe intervals. I can say with certainty, the flu vaccine has not been tested enough independently, it does not work to make people healthier in the future, it does not stop the flu, it contains chemicals that most of you will never be told about.

If you want specific answers, I can't post them on a public board.


Maybe you are right about the flue vaccine. There is a lot of fuss around them, everywhere. I think time will tell who is/was on the right side.