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RE: A New You - Every 7 Years?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Never really gave a thought to the spiritual value of 7, found that quite interesting.

I have a very complicated objection to the fact of getting a new me every 7 years from a more science and less spiritual point of view :)

I don't know if I can explain it properly coz even in my head i'm struggling with this. So i'll just stick to the example of red blood cells. The calculation as i understood assumes that all RBCs are at the same age, right? If not, then my following argument is invalid and let me know, I'll have to read the post again lol!!

But in reality all the cells are never at the same age, in fact there maybe RBCs starting from the age of day 1 till the age of 120 days for example. So even when a lot of the RBCs are getting turned over and newborn RBCs are getting released from our bone marrow, there will ALWAYS be significant number of RBCs moving aroun in the blood that are 1, 2, 3, 4....months old.

And this concept applies to all the other cells. So we never really get an entirely "new me" as you mentioned (that we don't). But even with the personality change you mentioned, do we REALLY get an entirely new me? I like to think of this as even though everyday is a new beginning, we can not ignore the past. We can try and forget the past, but it's still there. Nothing is wiped off, not really.

Thank you for this wonderful post :) Really got me thinking about so many things in life, that has nothing to do with science lol!!


You're correct, for my calculation, I assumed that all cells have the same age and live for the exact same time, which is bullshit in a living system.

And technically, all cells come from the same very fist cell anyway. As cells can't be created out of nothing, there is no way we become an "entirely new person", at least not biologically/naturally (if you add cells from a diffent person, it might look slightly different but I'm not going into this philosophical debate).

if you add cells from a diffent person, it might look slightly different but I'm not going into this philosophical debate

Hahaha let's not!! :)