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RE: My response to @SciManDan's attack piece

in #science6 years ago (edited)

5:31 Of course the stars are moving. That’s exactly my point. The earth is stationary and the stars above are rotating around us in perfect circles. An observation that is not compatible with the chaotic heliocentric model.

This is hardly the case, the stars rotate only when you point your camera at the north or south celestial pole. Why do they rotate in the opposite direction in the south? Why do they not rotate but shift linearly if you view the stars straight up on the equator? It's this kind of selective thinking that just boggles my mind. I mean, how do you miss the whole south pole?

yet we observe perfect circles of star trails in the night sky and constellations that haven’t changed in millennia

What? How can you write something like this? We can measure the stars as they're moving and we HAVE. They are constantly changing, just not in a short enough time span for monkey eyeballs to see them moving. This is what we have instruments for.

12:33 SCiManDan claims the atmosphere has the same angular velocity as the earth. That is a lie since it would be impossible for the air to have a 1:1 ratio of angular velocity with the earth. Drag prevents the air from moving at same angular velocity.

Drag is exactly why the air has basically the same angular velocity as the Earth. What do you have to backup this statement: "That is a lie since it would be impossible for the air to have a 1:1 ratio of angular velocity with the earth". How is it impossible? Drag, the thing you mentioned right afterward, is what makes this possible.

13:50 There it is again with that fake argument that “the earth is massive, of course it’s going to look flat.. to us … at sea level.. at ground level.” Again, the earth is not that big. Its radius is supposedly 6,371 km which is big but not so big that you’re not able to make measurement or observations as you would want to have us believe.

Measurements have been and are made, all the time, continuously. You just choose to ignore anything that doesn't support your new religion.

As far as controlling the debate, I think it's highly suspect you chose to put your response on a platform that requires a 24 hour+ moderation queue for new accounts. It's almost like you're trying to throttle your critics by not putting this in a more open forum.