History of "Coanda Effect" and my recent story with it

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Coanda Effect/phenomenon" is named after a Romanian aerodynamist/aeronautical engineer Henry Coanda. This effect is a quite obvious phenomenon that can be observed in your home with a spoon and a tap. When you place a spoon near stream of water from the tap, the stream tends to get attached to the curved surface of the spoon and its path is deviated from is original path and follows the curvature of the spoon after it leaves the spoon.
Formal defination : "Coanda effect is the phenomena in which a jet flow attaches itself to a nearby surface and remains attached even when the surface curves away from the initial jet direction."

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Now, Let me tell you a story. I had known about the Coanda effect when I was an undergrad student at my university. Few days earlier, a question came into my mind when I observed that when we keep a pot on cooking stove, the flame was following the curved surface of the pot. Then I asked," If Coanda effect is a phenomenon observed in fluid then plasma (flame) being a type of fluid, this flame following the surface of the pot must be the Coanda effect, So even plasma must follow Coanda effect. Does it?" So I immediately asked the question on Quora, " Is Coanda effect observed in Plasma?". I did not get the answer for a while.

And, I googled Coanda effect by myself and I found that the history interesting. In fact. when Coanda observed the phenomenon, he actually observed it with the Flame (Plasma). The article mentioned that;

"In 1910, Coanda designed and built what was arguably the world's first jet propelled aircraft. The plane used a 4-cylinder piston engine to power a rotary compressor. The compressor exhaust entered two ring-shaped burning chambers located on each side of the fuselage. The gasoline engine's exhaust and additional fuel was also ported into the chambers. The combustion of this mixture exhausted from the chambers down the steel-sheeted plywood sides of the Coanda-1910 producing a thrust of 220 kgf.
He performed the first reactive flight on 16 December 1910 - which unfortunately ended in an accident. After the plane took off, Coanda observed that the flames and burned gases exhausted from the engine "hugged" the fuselage and the aircraft side rapidly caught fire. After studies which lasted more than 20 years, the phenomenon was recognized as a new aerodynamic effect: the Coanda effect."

Coanda effect has been applied in the field of aerodynamics. If you like to know and learn more about it, follow Coanda effect on Quora. There are very good answers from experts and you can get to know about it in detail.