After getting over the other hoax that planet Nibiru (planet X) was going to collide with earth on 19th September, we're now faced with another hoax of the century: An Earthquake Apocalypse.
It's been predicted that the world will come to an end this November 19 (this is so hilarious). The prediction was made by Terral Croft. Probably he has the same ideology with David Meade (the conspiracy theorist that wrongly predicted the Nibiru-Earth Cataclysm). In his exposition, he stated that there are really visible cracks that have been sighted in the earth's crust.
I really hope this is just a mere hoax, because I can't just wake up after 19th November to discover I'm the last living person on this planet. That will be very scary.
Could this be linked to Nibiru?
He noted that; as the mystery planet X (Nibiru) passes through the earth's orbit, it will create a seismic vibration which will cause a worldwide earthquake of over 7-magnitude. Is Croft really alone in this? I don't think so. David Meade and Terral Croft are not the only proponent of the earth's obliteration. There are dozens of other conspiracy theorists that have proposed this as well.
Nibiru is relatively unknown to the uninitiated
Astrodynamics in relation to this hoax
This so called mystery planet X (Nibiru) is theoretically "purported" to be 4X the size of the earth. That means, it should have a circumference of about 99,400miles.
In theory, if it is meant to enter the earth's orbit, it should be moving at 1/4X the speed of the earth, and in the direction of the earth (assuming all other conditions are kept constant).
But then, with the sun's gravitational pull on the earth, will this massive mystery planet be allowed to gatecrash the earth's orbit? I'm not an astrophysicist. But I think Nasa can answer that question.
Nasa's view on earthquake apocalypse
Nasa has termed this conspiracy theory as a mere "Internet Hoax". They've said that there is no scientific proof to substantiate these claims. That means, the possibility of the earth's obliteration has been ruled out. Is that a comfy? Well, until after November 19.
Let me conclude by dropping this hilarious response my friend made about this hoax
Ping me when the earthquake apocalypse happens
Thanks for reading.
References for further reading: Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
Guy!!!!! You go just dey throw trap inside my rice. I can't sleep again naaaa 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Lol. I don put sand inside ur eba? No vex abeg :)
Leave me joor
The world ends everyday for a particular person. Saying it would end for everyone at same day remains only to be seen. Great research friend. Thanks for sharing.
You're absolutely right. Thanks a lot for dropping by
Peace ✌️
We can do better than that.
I am Elenin. Expect me.
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