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RE: The Impact of Melting Glaciers

in #science7 years ago

At this point it will be impossible to stop, we can only mitigate the effects. Although, we aren’t even doing that effectively.

Theoretically, if all governments of the world worked together, they could stall it and reverse the effects to the level of 1990 within a few years.

But they most likely won't, because they have their own national interests. And pursuit of these interests often lead to war and violence.


taking carbon out of the air isn't enough, its already in a downward spiral whether or not we do that.

But taking huge projects like, slowly banning fossil fuels and introducing renewable energy sources, planting billions of trees, making artificial islands on geographically safe places to build homes for environmental refugees etc etc can reverse the effects considerable well. But that would require strong co operation between different governments which isn't going to happen anytime soon.