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RE: Images of Gender in Media Advertising

in #science7 years ago

You are right that marriage had traditionally been a contract whereby a woman exchanges her childbearing years for the security provided to them by men.
Are you aware that women live longer than men and always have? Despite dying in droves in childbirth, women still managed to have longer lives, historically. To me, this makes perfect sense. Protection and security matters. You might bravely repudiate that 17th century English justice now, but if you were a 17th century English maiden, I wonder if you would be so bold as to reject the rights and responsibilities of the patriarchy in those days.
Once upon a time, the world was a terribly dangerous place and societies that deferred to strong, fatherly men (patriarchs) fared better. The debate took place in that vein of thought. That being said, even in the 17th century you couldn't find a justice who would write such an opinion in his legal decisions. Your argument then comes down to, 'there was once a justice in 17th century England who admitted post-humously that he didn't think women had a right to say 'no' to sex.'
In Rome, by the way, a patriarch could kill his wife and children and not be prosecuted. All society would be abhorred, censors would publicize his deeds and he would be hated, but patriarchs were the lawgivers for families. Just because a countries laws don’t touch the matter, doesn’t mean a countries people are not opposed to it. The world is more complex than that.
The marital rape debate is about whether or not a man forcing himself on his wife is exactly the same or different than a man forcing himself on a woman who has never been with him. It was once believed that you couldn’t ‘rape’ your wife – that doesn’t mean you could assault her.
Your article about police delaying responses to domestics doesn’t prove police didn’t care, nor does its reference to a woman whose husband wasn’t charged. Were no men charged with domestic abuse? Or were mistakes made by imperfect people in an imperfect world that are now being exaggerated by an agenda-driven identity movement? I am certain I know the answer to that. By the way, my dad always said that the worst thing about sorting out a domestic was the wife protecting her abuser. I don’t know what to make of that, but these situations are complex and police hate them.
Kirchberg v Feenstra, again, could have proven we are a patriarchal society and instead didn't. It was an antiquated law carried over from harder times that was struck down. In Canada, it is illegal to not bow before the queen. You can find all kinds of weird laws that would get struck down if someone tried to enforce them.
Boys do seem to do better at STEM. Even if it was proved that teachers spend more time with boys, it could easily be because boys show more interest. Even the claim you make proves nothing. Look at women’s rapid advances into a variety of fields that they were traditionally discouraged from, why not these fields?
I find it pretty obvious that men are more object-oriented which is why they tend toward certain fields. It would make sense, too. Think about our 2 million years of evolution and what men and women were almost certainly doing. We know girls talk earlier than boys and better. We know that testosterone makes men ‘men’ and that xyy chromosome men have twice as much testosterone and are more violent, anti-social and sexual. In other words, that compared to women, men are more violent, anti-social and sexual. Anti-social, i.e., taking an interest in objects and ideas more than people. Women tend towards social behavior. If you contest this, let me know how.
Identity politics is why the founding fathers believed democracy was a sick system. No, you guys didn’t invent these identities, but you will exploit them for power and money. Try reading 18th century criticisms of democracy and founding fathers explaining why they wanted the US to be a republic and not drawing the conclusion that they had accurately ascertained that something like identity politics was inevitable. And before you feel that identity politics is still somehow good, remember that before minorities of different kinds, the Democratic party was exploiting the evil instincts of the white majority for power and money. And before you feel that ‘this time, we are right’, just remember that everyone who does this shit does so because they think they are right.