Well I'm just an old town doctor. I did my training in some god-forsaken tropical country. But the fact that our brain can't tolerate even a few seconds of arterial pressure drop seems like proof enough of the fact that it doesn't really have much of a functional reserve... in my south-american country they teach this shit in school. I'm not really aware of the reach of SteemStem but it seems more like Steempopularscience or steem general culture...
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... So? Reading the comments, there are obviously enough people who didn't know it. Great that your school didn't fail you :)
And popular science is still science. You don't have to read it if it bores you, steemSTEM has a variety of great writers and I'm sure you will find something that will meet your standards.
I just wanted to give you more visibility so she notices you, ol' friend.

I'm not sure what you expect to happen
A rational and measured response which you gave. My friend is probably just envious. Then he just trying to pick a fight unsuccessfully but I could be wrong.
I'm on vacation, I won't fight for no good reason 😜
Asking why to fight is like asking why leaves fall... it is in their nature... the true question is what is worth fighting for... Nah I was just trying to elicit a response... the lightness of the article upset my tummy a bit but that's all
Ugh we're reaching levels of brown-nosing that shouldn't even be posible