Is Our World A Simulation? - Holographic Cosmology

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Is our entire universe, along with our entire existence, a computer simulation? It sounds crazy at first but there's quite a bit of factual science that says it may be.

I was always amazed in school by the number pi and a few years ago I became very interested in what is called the Fibonacci Sequence as well. Like pi, the Fibonacci Sequence can be found naturally throughout our world, but it unlike pi, it deals an endless pattern of numbers. In the sequence, each number is the sum of the two previous numbers...0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and so on. This strangely occurs through the world-in nature and even in musical compisitions.


As an example, if you count the number of spiral rows on a pine cone it will always be a Fibonacci number. Same goes for a pineapple and other similar naturally occurring things.


While watching a documentary about this I learned that if you break down matter into it's tiniest microscopics pieces, what you're left with is basically math, or something similar to binary code-programming language that is a sequence of ones and zeros. Some of the greatest minds in science such as Neil Degrasse Tyson and Elon Musk have even made public statements that they believe our world is most likely some sort of computer simulation done by a highly advanced civilization.

What's seems even crazier is the scientific theory of holographic Cosmology. There has been new proof come to light very recently that supports this theory. It says that our world, the one we experience as three dimentional plus time (spacetime), is actually a hologram projected from a two dimentional plane that contains all the data needed to make our world come alive.

The fact that it is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light could be explained by us living in a simulated universe. Naturally, there shouldn't be a limit to something like speed, but in a simulation things would be limited by the available processing power.


These examples combined with other things we've learned from quantum physics, which does not play by the laws set in Einstein's Theory of Reletivity, are quickly stacking up to make a very decent case for proving this theory correct.

Photos courtesy of


Thanks for this. Thought provoking. Always considered that this plane could be a simulation but its always hard to imagine how the control could allow the amount of suffering that exists in it. Followed.

Thanks for the follow and I agree that it's difficult to understand how any kind of creator, intelligent designer or God (whichever of those descriptions one chooses to use) would allow so much pain and suffering, genodide and starvation, hate and warmongering go on in a world this amazing and beautiful.

I've finally began to look at it in the only way that I can understand it. If indeed humans have a conscienceness or soul that transcends life as we know it in the form of reincernation or something seems to me that the only way to appreciate and value an eternal existence is to continually experience different situations, emotions, worlds and even dimensions. Spending a lifetime on Earth, where theres a force like love exists that is as brutal as it is amazing, a soul must surely grow from the experience.

Thats my take. I love these lyrics from the song "Spaceship" by Kesha:

"As I leave this Earth and sail into the infinite cosmic universe, the wars, the triumphs, the beauty, and the bloodshed, the ocean of human endeavor, it all grows quiet, insignificant. I'm nothing more than recycled stardust and borrowed energy, born from a rock, spinning in the aether. I watch my life backwards and forwards and I feel free. Nothing is real, love is everything, and I know nothing"

Wow, I don't think she could've put it any better than that!

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Interesting but don't you think "God" Yahweh could do just that he is all-powerful anyway he can do anything that would make us 'see' things in that perspective yet he is the creator of everything maybe he did things mathematically in an artistic way ...hum??? @rettigphotos...

That's a great point and yes I do think that God could absolutely have created the world in this manner. I very much believe that the universe was created by an intelligent designer. However, I also believe that it's possible that things like the multiverse, life from other planets and other dimensions not accessible to humans were part of the creator's overall design-a design that is much larger than we could ever hope to learn of during the extremely itsy-bitsy blip of time that mankind has and will ever exist. Why would an all-knowing, all-powerful being or entity limit itself when it comes what and how much it will create? Just a few short years ago, we didn't know for certain that there were planets around any star except our sun. Now, we know that not only are there other planets, but it is more the rule to find the as opposed to the exception. There are over 1 billion trillion stars withing sight of our best telescopes. What makes us so special that all of these other stars and planets would be left lifeless and without intellence. Afterall, God in the Bible seems to be extremely envolved with mankind and even wiped out all but a few when he didn't like what they had become. I think the Creator of our world may be one that learns from his creations and improves upon it. Mankind 2.0 is probable somewhere out already.

I believe in multi-universes and worlds as our own where Adam and Eve did not sin and are living in a paradise on earth and there are other worlds that we are not as we are here but different where we all are either poor and fighting for food or on another all rich and have plenty for everyone or we are not evolved enough to have computers or others where we are much more advanced or no illness of any kind or others where illness abounds you get me I believe that Yahweh put us here on this planet to learn to get along and when we die we go to another world to learn a lesson or find nirvana those killed here by the flood are learning a lesson on another planet tell they reach nirvana "New earth and heaven" except the Nephlim who where fallen angels children by human woman that they inpregnated and had the Nephlim who where giants that made us look like 'grasshoppers' compared to their hight and strenghth they built the piramids and stone hinge, easter island, to name a few for they could lift tons of weight compared to our scrony 100's of pounds...I believe our "new heaven and earth" will be after we all die and Yahweh burns up this earth and replenishes it then we will have a new body and live on paradise earth...or maybe this is a learning ground and all who die in Messiah will see a new earth with Adam and Eve on the other world and has forgotten our past life and live forever somewhere sometime soon after this learning ground...hum I really don't know but I ponder...2.0 people 3.0 people etc upon other earth in separate reality...hum what do you think???

I am aware of the Simulation Theory and while I don't know if I trust the assumptions of it, Alan Watts comes into mind:

“Let’s suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream that you wanted to dream, and that you could, for example, have the power within one night to dream 75 years of dreams, or any length of time you wanted to have. And you would, naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure you could conceive. And after several nights, of 75 years of total pleasure each, you would say ‘Well, that was pretty great. But now let’s have a surprise. Let’s have a dream which isn’t under control. Where something is gonna happen to me that I don’t know what it’s gonna be.’ And you would dig that and come out of that and say ‘Wow, that was a close shave, wasn’t it?’. And then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream. And finally, you would dream where you are now. You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.” ~Alan Watts…

We will probably never know.

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Thank you for pointing that out, I will edit to fix. I have listened to Alan Watts talk several times and he is very interesting. I had not heard this quote though.

It makes more sense to me this way, actually. As someone who has "hopped" into the energy grid and crossed back after being technically dead, I have seen it as an elastic sort of hologram that can be stretched and manipulated if you understand what it is and have some experience working with your own neuroplasticity.

Interesting subject for much exploration. Glad to find your post!

I'll have to try and think about it in that way...the subject all together is quite a new concept to me but a very interesting one.

Wonderful subject. I absolutely love this kind of topic. It makes you veiw the world in a different way. I have found that the more we find out, the less we truly know. I have found one of the most informative documentaries about this subject, warning: you will have to watch it a couple of times to truly absorb all of the information. You can see it Here.

Thank you for your post, it is refreshing that there are like minded people in the world. Keep on digging brother, eventually you will find the truth, Keep on steemin!

Thanks you for sharing the link, I'll have to check it out. I love the digging, that's the fun part!