Climate change - How does it affect life?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Temperature is a determinant factor for species' distribution, it affects them at their life cycle and changes their survival skills and development. Therefore, if temperature changes: Everything is affected.
Beyond the increased rate of hurricanes and cyclones forming, we can observe all around the world how is temperature changing affecting the biology and physiology on several species. To deny a climate change, is not only a huge mistake, it is pure ignorance about the ecologic reality your planet is passing by.

Climate has changed through history, but now it is different.

Climate, in our planet, is naturally shifting and changing, our planet has had ice ages and "hot ages".
Today, we are experiencing, yet another, climate change that consists in an increase of temperature all around the globe (AKA: Global Warming). Yes, it would've happened sooner or later, but this time it is not only natural factors that induce the result: Anthropological influence is the one that holds most of the responsibility now. Human activity hurted our planet a lot, mainly fossil fuel usage and burning of green spaces for agricultural purposes.

How much does temperature change affect life?

Vital processes in organisms are affected by the environment, especially when the body temperature depends on it. Thermal regulation es a process living thing have to ensure their survival in their environment, and thanks to natural selection the species not well adapted vanished: We are forcing evolution giving too little time to nature to react.
Animals with a relatively high and constant body temperature are called homeothermal, (mammals, birds), the so called "hot blooded".
Those which body temperature varies according to their surrounding are the poikilothermal ectothermal or "cold blooded" (invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles). For the latter ones, their metabolism is heavily influenced by the external environmental conditions, particularly: Temperature.
Reptiles and arthropods are particularly vulnerable to this global warming. In a majority of cases, their tolerance levels are not very wide.

How is climate change affecting species?

As mentioned before, climate affect the distribution of species and colonization processes. The details on them varies from species to species, but generally speaking, it is ruled by 3 main factors:
• Colder winters, affect survival
• Hotter summers, affect reproduction.
• Plagues direct influence, disease and inter-specific competition for resources between different species (animals are forced to eat what they normally wouldn't).


The rise of temperature is even affecting reproduction. Global warming brought together species that were distanced millions of years ago, allowing them to breed bringing hybrids to the scene, this is, descendant product of inter-species breeding (by sexual reproduction)."So what?", you may think. Well, hybrids cannot reproduce naturally, leaving fertile descendants. Animals waste resources ans their lifetime leaving a "dead family" for a near future.
The process of new species' forming is called speciation, it is generally given by processes that are known and studied. In many cases, individuals separate from the gross of the population, leading them to adapt differently from the main "family tree". Reverting that process by bringing them back together is counterproductive, leading into barren offsprings.

Natural hybrids are relatively common among plants and animal species with a rather recent divergence, but not among species that are too far away from each other, evolutivelly speaking. 25% of plants and 10% of animals undergo a hybridization process. A known example is the mule.

It is clear: Climate change is here and it is affecting biodiversity. To deny it, is just a matter of how stupid a person is.


Business as usual is not an option. We have to make our activities far more sustainable. The first step is to admit there is a problem and more politicians have now. Others listen too much to those who want to maintain their polluting industry.

Even the climate change deniers must see that we are destroying the planet in other ways, e.g. oceans full of plastic, species going extinct.

man made climate change is a total lie. More co2 means more plants more and more life. Plants actually want to be in an environment of around 2000 ppm co2 . The plants are almost starving now. We are actually going into an ice age a mini one may last 30 to 50 years do to entering a grand solar minimum and in 4000 years there will be about 1 mile of ice above north america.

Most scientists would disagree. Meanwhile the world is choking on plastics and other pollution. I hope we can survive 4000 years

It is NEVER too late to make Mother Earth a safer place to live in. Let's be involved and do our share in the preservation and protection of our precious home - our children's home.
Upvoted and resteemed this post for other's awareness. <3

It will also have a lot of change on the coastal city. In any case super article.

We can always move out of town, animals can't.

This post received a 3.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @renzoarg! For more information, click here!

Amazing information about climate chage and its effact

Thank you very much!
Be sure to share it with your acquaintances too! Not many know the "real" reasons why it is bad other than having to use the A/C a lot more. (this is not asking for a resteem)

Great post! love to see, there are more passionated steemians out there, that are dedicated in helping our planet and the animals living on it.
Yesterday, I startet a charity blog for animals suffering from extinction due to the climate change. I would be pleased if you'd have a look at it an leave a comment with your thoughts about the project.

Greetings from Cologne, Germany :)


The Problem of Corporate Greed !!!

True, it is a natural process on the long term, but not in the rate it is happening now...awareness is key here.

This post has received a 6.76 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @renzoarg.

Global warming is bullshit. The temperature is much lower this year

Tell that to Pakistan and Bangladesh :P
It is also way warmer in Ireland. I had always planned to move to a warmer country, but now I don't have to. Although we no longer get snow like we used to. When I was growing up 2-4 weeks of snow. Now we are lucky to have 1 day of snow.

The temperature could be lower where you live, but global warming is an overall warming of the entire system. Some areas will cool, others will get hotter. Trees are growing faster where I live (probably because the extra CO2), and spiders are also getting bigger...

Here is some cool evidence from Nasa;

"Claim" and "prove" are two very distant things. Notice how a fallacy is used at the title itself (CEO, false authority).
Of all the people in the world that could claim global warming is bullshit, do you seriously believe the CEO of a COAL MINING COMPANY would have any authority about the topic, one that is not slanted by his economic interests?

:D was mega joking, and used him as an example for the funs.

Oh, ok, I didn't note the sarcasm! :o

Sarcasm always dissapears in text. And with people believing such things in huge numbers it is difficult to tell satire from reality.

Global warming is a fact, "dryer" climates lead into harsher winters (no cushion effect).

You're the perfect example of my last sentence. If you are going to talk about something, do it knowing about it. In the meantime, you still have 3 toilets to clean up.

It's definitely happening... I'm not sure how "deniers" arrive at their conclusions. Of course, I find myself a little concerned that we are entering a "mini ice age" for the next 11 years... that'll give deniers fuel for their arguments... but what's happening (a natural cycle) is a bit like putting a few ice cubes in a pot that's heating on the stove... it may get cooler for a moment, but it remains a pot heating on the stove.

The interspecies thing is already happening... more and from "Grolar" bears sighted (grizzly/polar bear)...

It's just that we as citizens of the planet earth can do small things but in a collective effort, it could have an influential impact towards helping our planet. I don't even know why people deny it, it can clearly be seen.

Crazy shit.. keeps me awake at night..