WOW! Just WOW!
Thank you for doing all this effort of reviewing the paper. This is exactly how it should go. You first read the paper, giving us an understanding of what it is about. And then showing this really crappy photoshop, wth? Like why do people do this? I probably would not have noticed it but then again I have never done a PCR myself. But once you look at it, it is immediately obvious.
I didn’t want to mention this in the beginning of the post, since I wanted the readers to follow up the dissection of the article with a more unbiased mindset.
Exactly this! I have huge respect for you for doing that.
I'll try to push the post a bit, bear with me, this is a gem people should read. tip! 50
all along" kind of way.@reggaemuffin Thanks a lot for the support! Yes, I didn't write this article with the intention of making people feel dumb or to brag in a "see, I knew I was right
My ideal goal with this article is helping to dispel erroneous ideas, especially for those that don't have the expertise to dig deeper in this issue.
really great article, though I think it's tough to stress just how prevalent these practices are, especially given all the monetary incentives involved. I mean, just consider the hundreds of billions of dollars that can be extorted from people over the years to solve an intangible issue when "97% of all scientists agree" (as if 97% of anyone could even agree how to tie a shoe lace the "right" way)! lol
Link: I Fooled Millions Into Thinking Chocolate Helps Weight Loss. Here's How.
I will help too.
We are approaching the trending page :)
If only there were more people who supported legitimate scientific breakdown. As opposed to blindly voting on things that fit their world view (anti-vax supporters).
That is so refreshing, faith in humanity restored (it ebbs and flows)