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RE: The rise of the robots – will your job be gone in coming years?

in #science5 years ago

Let me begin by playing English teacher for a bit. The first paragraph of this article could have been improved. The first sentence ends with the phrase "in years to come". This is very sloppy language, and I seriously doubt the Oxford study you are paraphrasing used that wording. If you're going to quote from a study as your authority for the basic premise of your essay, you should at least use the same description of time frame, and by rights you should also provide a link to that source.

In your second sentence the placement of the word "potentially" distorts and confuses what you are trying to say. It would have been better phrased as "Potentially, robots or AI will one day do your work."

Please understand that it is not my intention to engage in gratuitous Grammar Nazi nitpicking. Rather it is my intention to point out ways in which imprecise use of language is preventing you from clearly communicating what you are trying to say.

On to the meat of the matter. My own feelings on this subject are neatly captured by a reply I made to @neavvy in a thread on this same subject.
I fear the nightmare scenario outlined in your penultimate paragraph is the most likely outcome.

The question is what are we going to DO about it? If we do nothing, we leave our fate in the hands of those who have no reason to love us, and every reason to dispose of us as soon as we become unnecessary.


Dear @redpossum

Thank you for that very valuable lesson. I appreciate your effort and time. Seriously.

Reading comments like the one you wrote can benefit someone not involved (me).

The question is what are we going to DO about it?

That is indeed excellent question. Most of us can only do their best to adapt to whatever changes will happen.
