Vaccines And The Immune System
In my last paper I wrote about skin vaccination in which cowpox pus is used to infect people to build their immunity to smallpox. If there wasn’t an infected cow to use, the doctors would infect a healthy cow not around the udder but in the belly where they could collect the most pus. Quart jars full of pus! A sharply pointed hollow prong was used to puncture the skin which was full of cow pus. And the doctor would puncture many people without disinfecting the hollowed out prong.
A spot, usually on the upper arm, is scraped by a lancet, so that the outer layers of the epidermis are removed; the spot is then rubbed with an ivory point, quill or tube, carrying the virus. A slight and usually unimportant illness or indisposition follows, and the arm is sore for a time, a characteristic scar remaining
An abscess would form and that’s when the doctors of the 1750-1800 declared that the patience had developed immunity to smallpox.
What I did not know at the time I started reading the history of medicine, so many people died of the vaccine. I don't know how many but it was enough for whole towns to refuse to get vaccinated. Check out my link at the bottom of my article which goes into the method developed by the town of Leicester. At that time no one knew how long one was immune to smallpox after surviving the vaccination.
The theory was that you would develop cowpox infection which is related to smallpox you would become immune. There were doctors at that time who were against this theory and warned there would be horrible deaths from infections. I will go into their arguments in my next article along with the conditions most poor people lived in which raised alarms among the more wealthy population. Huge portions of the population were stricken down by many diseases and these diseases didn't care about social and economic boundaries. The industrial revolution not only gave us assembly line products it gave us polluted cities and plagues.
The people who worked in the factories were paid little, couldn’t afford the basics people needed to live a healthy life. They lived in deplorable filthy conditions that lacked the basics we have today like clean running water and waste disposal systems. People were packed together like rats in a cage and had to work 12 hour days, this includes women and children. Children were allowed to run free on the streets because both parents and their older sibs had to work just to be able to eat.
During Edward Jenner’s time 1850-90s no one understood cellular or humoral immunity. The skin type of vaccine produced humoral immunity.
When the adaptive immune system is activated by the innate immune system, the humoral immune response (also: antibody-mediated immune response) triggers spe- cific B cells to develop into plasma cells. These plasma cells then secrete large amounts of antibody. Antibody circulate in the lymph and the blood streams. (Hence the name: humoral immunity.
Cellular immunity (also: cell-mediated immunity (CMI)) is an adaptive immune response that is primarily meditated by thymus-derived small lymphocytes, which are known as T cells. Here, two types of T cells are considered: T helper cells and T killer cells. T helper cells are particularly important because they maximize the capabilities of the immune system. They do not destroy infected cells or pathogens, but they activate and direct other immune cells to do so. Hence their name: T helper cells.
Cytokines are the hormonal messengers responsible for most of the biological effects in the immune system, such as cell mediated immunity and allergic type responses. Although they are numerous, cytokines can be functionally divided into two groups: those that are proinflammatory and those that are essentially anti-inflammatory but that promote allergic responses, link to NCBI Article
Vaccines don’t affect the innate immune system as much as I thought. Vaccines actually affect the adaptive immune system to a greater degree.
An example is giving infants vaccines they will usually develop more T helper 2 rather than Th1, Th1 is the cellular immune system that balances out inflammatory responses and tells the immune system where to go and what to attack. But if the child is older and given the same vaccine they develop more Th1.
How come the vaccine industry does not develop a protocol to check if the cellular immune system has been activated with a vaccine? I read that it is too expensive!
The cheap way to go is just to look for antibody. But that is a hit and miss type search because diseases like measles, you can have agammaglobulinemia, a disease which you cannot make antibody, but if you are infected with measles your immune system will still respond and your will recover just fine. Why? Because you don’t need that antibody for measles in order to become immune and you will have 75 years of immunity. Antibody just gives one a look at an immune response not a look at immunity. Antibody is produced by humoral immune system but have nothing to do with long term immunity which is the cellular immune system. Talk about a hit and miss protocol!
Vaccine science is still a hit or miss science like back during Edward Jenner’s time. Maybe not as gross with a needle like object dripping cowpox pus being jabbed into you skin.
But once you dig down into the data it’s not only imprecise, the science of vaccination for immunity is inaccurate. An example a patient can have high antibody levels for tetanus. There are people who developed high levels of antibody but got the worst case of tetanus. I’ve read of causes where there are people without any antibody for polio respond to the virus as if they were already immune. The antibody is the wrong marker when looking for immunity.
I'm really glad that you mentioned how anti-bodies are not the be-all-end-all way to know if someone has built up immunity or not.
They claim that a vaccine is "effective" by measuring that a certain number of antibodies were created. They never actually test how many people still get an illness after being vaccinated for that illness.
Here is a webpage full of links to the failed over-simplified theory that antibodies equate to immunity.
Thank you @canadian-coconut but I cannot use the website as a citation but if there are links to sites used in citations that are acceptable to the audience I am trying to reach the article will be useful! I will check it out....the immune system isn't just one system, it is connected to our body and mind (not the brain, it is part of the body). It is intricate and delicate but also strong like a spiders web. I feel very dumb trying to write about this data and the more I look at modern medicine on the surface everyone seems so smart, much smarter than I with all their degrees and fine words so full of data, but they are even dumber than I am! tip! .50
And yes! There is more to the immune system than antibodies;)
"Effective" means that a vaccine is injected (vaccination) into the patient, and the patient develops an antibody. Vaccination does not mean that the patients develops an immunity.
Scientists prove that the antibodies from vaccinations
To prove this, scientists from HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, M.I.T., massachusetts general, san raffaele institute (Italy), and other institutes, co-authored and published on how they removed all antibodies from mice, leaving only B-Cells, which successfully fought off lethal viruses. This debunks vaccine manufacturers who say that vaccines are necessary to convey immunity. This
suggests that repeated vaccinations could be the reason why some vaccinated people lose their natural immunities, as their body tends to unnaturally rely on temporary, antibody-based immunities.
Immunity 2012 Mar 23; 36(3): 415-426:
Here's what I say
Abnormal thinking
Abnormal pathogen
Abnormal route
Abnormal immune response
Abnormal results
Abnormal look on your face
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Antibodies do not determine immunity any immunologist should know this.
Science and their assumptions,
All that the presence of antibodies in a person means is that the person has come into contact with a particular pathogen, it does not mean that they have immunity.
Antibodies are just ONE part of the immune system response.........maybe antibodies meant something after experiencing a disease as antibody titres were there AS WELL as the rest of the immune response (which isn't measured). But in vaccines antibodies just mean exposure and do NOT mean the immune system went through all it needed to to give lasting immunity or any immunity.
By the way, (vaccine) research has found that IgA antibodies are a much better indication of immunity than IgG antibodies, but when you have gone through the infection naturally (i.e. the antigen has entered through the natural portals of entry), both would be present anyway. When you inject the vaccine ingredients directly into the system, however, you basically bypass the production of IgA, which is another reason why we know immunologically that vaccines are ineffective. Indeed it is the quiet realization of this significant error that is prompting efforts to produce vaccines that are inhaled instead of injected, e.g. the 'flu vaccine (though they will still be pointless and contain harmful ingredients).
It has been theorized by some that vaccines overstimulate the humoral immune response (which incorporates the production of antibodies) at the expense of the other major part of the immune system - the cell-mediated immune response (the production of T cells). I would say that even this is being too kind to vaccines, because it clearly does not even stimulate a normal humoral immune response. The immune system is very complex and with important inter-relationships between its components. The development of immunity requires many processes to occur and complete, requiring the whole team work of all the required immune system components. This simply will not occur other than when the body contracts the infection naturally, and this is only when IT, THE BODY, wants to, not when man wants it to.
It's an excellent point that you raise and one that should be pointed out loud and clear when vaccination storm troopers start screaming about herd immunity and how everybody needs to be vaccinated. The vaccines are actually spreading more disease than anything else based upon the fact that you have infected them but you have not truly immunized them. This is why you have all these kids getting diphtheria, but it's only the kids that were vaccinated that get the disease.
I want to find a 30 minute or less video explaining this science as well as much more very hard anti-vax science that is designed to put the vaxers back in their seats. There are lots of long documentaries, but they will never watch them. I want to find a great short video that is basically irrefutable and designed to be an intellectual "punch to the gut" for vaccine proponents. Every anti-vaxer should then have a little card to hand out every time a debate starts. i.e. "Just watch this and then perhaps we can talk."
There is no way logic and reason will convince someone who is acting emotionally irrational. What we must do is speak to the irrational emotional reactionary part of their mind. I have been listening to an audio book by Scott Adams called "Win Bigly." The book is not about Trump, it is talking about persuasive dialogue. I agree with Adams most humans if not all are not logical and do no react to data reasonably.
If we are going to help people find their health and leave abusive situations we need to speak to the crazy part of them and stop trying to be reasonable. tip! .50
I fully agree that you can't argue with irrationality, but not all of those that I encounter are irrational. Many have simply never looked at the question in any level of detail because they believe that science has already proven the case. It is only for these people that any semblance of science and reasoning will work.
For those that are irrational, perhaps you can use NLP or something similar with them, but personally I prefer to ignore others that can't even structure some simple logical reasoning. They are not the real influencers of others in any case. I believe that the time you take in educating others is best spent on the 10% that can think and can influence others, and the other 90% should simply be left alone. The other 90% will only frustrate you in any case.
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I agree. In the Philippines, after Dengvaxia vaccine was released, a study prompted a change in its recommended use. It turned out, it could make a subsequent infection worse for people who haven't been infected by dengue at the time of vaccination. The info. was released after thousands had already been vaccinated. What a miss!
You are the real encyclopedia of knowledge. A wide range of art, cooking, medicine, healthy food and an excellent blogger - writer. You are unstoppable @reddust
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I am an autodidact lololol but I only know bits and pieces, it's like a big puzzle, which is fun to put together. Thank you my friend and keep spreading wise loving kindness! tip! .3
Your works are full of love, and this is a big difference from many bloggers @reddust
The love I spread is often rejected because it has nothing to do with gross emotions, most of the time people can't see me. But you do (big hugs) Thank you.
I love you reddust - You are an beautiful lady with big heart. Thank you for big support .
Very interesting. So in otherwords, it is still an inexact science and the powers that be are uninterested in spending the money required to make it safer. Is that about right? That seems to be medical science in general, eh? Do incomplete research, make a bold pronouncement based on that research (Saturated fat is bad, lets make everything low fat, using transfatty oils), then later do more research and discover your previous pronouncement was flawed (uhm... trans fats are worse than saturated fat) and the resulting actions result in even worse health. Hurray!
I'm glad we aren't all dying from smallpox anymore, and it's wonderful that few to none are crippled from polio these days but I do get slightly worried whenever I look into exactly how inexact all this stuff really is.
In my first article I gave facts the reason typhoid, polio, and the pox disappeared was the elites found cleaning up the slums, building hospitals to isolate the sick, teaching hygiene, installing waste systems, and making health food affordable through higher wages was more effective at stopping diseases than vaccines. The old systems of profiting from suffering are coming to an end. There are several more systems that play into the immune system that science had discovered but I don't know if they can profit from them. One is a healthy gut micro biome and two, epigenetic, the second code scientist have found that passes our ancestries experiences, a genetic memory, down to the next generation.
I will be including this data in my articles as well.
Yeah, if saturated fat, raw milk, etc was bad for humans, we all would be dead :P hahah tip! .50
I will have to check out your previous article then. Thanks :)
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The Introduction Of Vaccine Pathogens Grown In Human Tissue Coincides With Explosion In Autism Rates
I will be going into autism when I write about our immune system tied intimately to the brain, thank you for the excellent video, I will watch it and use it if I can source it's citations.
Sounds good, look forward to your post on that aspect of vaccinations. As a sidenote the things I discuss in that video are hardly ever talked about in the vaccine world, as most people focus more on the additives and preservatives and their potential harmful impacts on the human body, but the data appears to show that most of the negative effects of vaccinations are actually from the foreign human DNA that the pathogen is grown in (starting in the early 80's) which directly coincided with the explosion of developmental issues in the youth. Just something that has data to back it up, yet most people haven't factored in yet.
this is very open my insight, tehadap existence of vaccine. in my country the vaccine is strongly recommended, strangely the health workers seem to turn a blind eye. effects on toddlers who experience side effects from the vaccine. once again I am very grateful to you @reddust .
very much informative and medical knowledge about vacination and human health, also its a historical review article.
thank you @sheikh27
Great historical piece on the history and theory of vaccination! Modern day vaccinations, however, encompass an entirely different, nefarious campaign. Whereas at one point in history, researchers (doctors/surgeons) like Jenner or Lister genuinely endeavored to promote human health, modern day (heavily influenced and funded by BIG PHARMA) medicine promulgates an entirely different agenda. Today, the vaccination campaign heavily thrust upon infants and children (esp. in the US) has morphed into a bioweapon project, considering the heavily and ever-increasing and pernicious innoculation schedule. If the efficacy of vaccine theory being called into question isn't sufficient, certainly such vaccine ingredients as: mercury (Thimerosal); Polysorbate 80; MSG; Formaldehyde; Aluminum Phosphate; Phenoxyethanol; Human albumin; egg protein; Bovine cow serum; gelatin should immediately raise some eyebrows...
More reading along these lines here:
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I will be going into this part of vaccines after I lay down the ground work...but I do not know if Jenner and Lister were concerned about the common people. I suspect they were concerned for the Elites who were being threatened by the common peoples illness infecting them and also losing their working population that worked their factories and wars.
I have read a lot of natural news and I like many of the citations they use as well! tip! .50
I concur with what you are positing here with regard to the mindset of the supra- human "elites" ( as they view themselves). I was merely giving our early medical doctors the benefit of the doubt, however I share your skepticism as to their true motives. I have read that the alleged success of the Smallpox vaccination was misrepresented, as the incidence of Smallpox was already on the wane, for reasons you alluded to in your astute post. Thanks for the tip and I look forward to your next installment. Kudos.
You are welcome and thank you for the tips ;-)
some pro-vax vs some anti-vaxThank you @reddust for posting this very informative article about the "History of Vaccines" . I found your article by way of @canadian-coconut (who I am very thankful for Upvoting my post). @evolvinggraphics and I have a new born (5 weeks old) and we are approaching the 2 month recommendation in the CDC schedule. I posed the question on Facebook and got over 300 comments (recommendations) , and thought I would bring the conversation to @steemit . If you have any words of wisdom or suggested articles we appreciate it much "To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question!!!"
Hey reddust...
you know what? are a good thinking person....
The History Of Vaccines
that's a amazing airtcles....
thank you very much....
for sharing....
hope we will see next another amazing post...
thank you
Thank you @shagarshikder, the different immune system responses hurt my head....I think I am not that bright but I am stubborn.
basically in this world... we are not bright all..
but a person..for his/her harwork ,thinking ,patience ..she/he can be a bright person...
thank you..
Very interesting article red i learned some things from here. Regards
It's too complicated for me! I am learning as I go too, thanks for trying to read this @dim753. I find the history of medicine mind blowing lol
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Read More about it here.@resteemr is curating posts tagged #health this week.
A good article my friend. You are right. Vaccines are a hit and miss in your words. As you stated many died from the small pox vaccine. Not all bodies react the same. Some it helps an some it hurts. Though history it has been a gamble of people's lives...a choice not all willingly wish to do. A good article though. Thanks for taking us to school.
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I find it disconcerting that modern medicine hasn't changed their ways since the start when it was called heroic medicine. I will not buy modern medicines ideology or their products. If I am forced to buy their products this is called medical tyranny.
At best this type of medicine is good at fixing the plumbing and frame of a person but it should not touch our immune system and our mind! They are using our suffering to gain control of the masses and also profit from our suffering. There is no incentive to change unless the elites also become sick and ill from the masses. Then the elites will change their ways and improve the lives of those they of off like the parasites they truly are.... The higher-ups know that vaccines don't work, there is more going on here that mets the eye. tip! .3
Vaccinations are a very controversial health topic and a number of 'myths' regarding this subject matter remain apparent. As a public health major, I really stand behind vaccinations for a number of reasons.
There are four main, circulating myths surrounding vaccinations and they include: The MMR vaccine causes autism, it is safer to space out kids' vaccines more over time, vaccines make you sick and vaccines contain harmful chemicals. All of these myths have been debunked by numerous health studies , but many still are weary to vaccinate their children. I feel the moral and ethical reasons behind this topic really take over when trying to decide whether this is the right thing to do or not. The more important thing to note, however, is that these studies exist just many people are unaware and refuse to believe the power of the studies are viable.
I really enjoyed your post about this subject-going to give you a follow because I enjoy reading about health and science related material. Great work
These are the things they do not teach you in med school. So many people died to make progress in medicine, and often not because of giving their consent to it. History!
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Wow, I didn’t know people died of the vaccine either. Since I’ve had my recent child, I’ve been looking more and more into vaccines and whether I want my kids to continue getting them or not. Very interesting info.
this shows vast you are in knowledge good work
Cause and Effect ?
Can you take the effect form something to prevent the cause ?
Cow pus infection prevents smallpox ?
Pimple pus prevents pimples ?
Toxoids prevents toxins?
Poison prevents poison ?
So this is how the con-game works. They make an animal sick in the lab. They take the infection which they call virus and inject that into another animal. If the animal survives, they claim the poison infection that they injected is the reason for survival. And if the animal dies they blame the animal.
This laboratory madness has NOTHING to do with the cause of NATURAL disease.
Prevent Diseases?!
Prevent these!
Abuse and neglect the body receives from poor eating habits and lifestyles!
A weakened body!
Oxidative stress!
Mitochondrial dysfunction!
Remember we have nutritional deficiencies from nature not drug deficiencies from science;) #truthtrain
How do they make an animal sick to declare than this infection a virus. How about good viruses like bacteriophages that make sick infection like staphilococcus aureus or baculoviruses that infect insects like pine worms?
Hola, buen dìa
Excelente tus escritos muy intersante.- ya te sigo por favor me sigues??