Very interesting book, thank you very much for your recommendation.
I can find myself a little in the paragraph you highlighted in your image, especially about dogs. When I was little, around 7 years old, I visited an aunt that at that time had a pretty big dog, can't remember what kind.
However, what I do remember, is that when she got it closer to me, and I tried to pet it, he pretty much saw me as his meal, and went all in to bite my face off. I was lucky my aunt was paying attention and she got the dog in time, if not, my face would be destroyed right now.
Since that moment I feel a big amount of fear whenever I see a dog, no matter how small, and the "kill or be killed" instinct kicks in. Multiple times I had to walk pass a few dogs and I was thinking about ways I could kill them if they made any move while I pass by.
Sounds interesting and could help me with what happened when I was younger, if I'll have the chance, I'll definitely read it.
Thank you for your recommendation and have a nice day :)
many of us have similar memories from childhood. it's good if they have not developed into traumas or phobias. if that's the case, one of the mostly implemented therapies is cognitive behavioral, which seems to be effective for that purpose.