Motionless Earth Proven 1887, Aether Proven 1913

in #science7 years ago (edited)


In 1887 an experiment shattered the scientific community.
Michelson and Morley tried to check the speed of the earth though the aether. If the Earth was moving through an aether then a sort of aether wind would be created at the surface of the earth. A light beam projected directly into the aether wind will be expected to move slower then the light beam projected across the aether wind

The experiment was conducted as follows:
If we project the beams unto known distance
...through a half-silvered mirror that was used to split it into two beams traveling at right angles to one another. After leaving the splitter, the beams traveled out to the ends

...where they were reflected back into the middle by small mirrors, and then recombine them

... we would expect the two waves to be out of phase by an amount that would tell us the distance the Earth had moved.

If the earth is moving through an Aether then the light waves going one direction relative to us should travel at another speed then the ones traveling another direction.
Is like in a fast moving river, and your swimming along with the current your swimming much faster relative to the shore compared with if your swimming against the current.
So the experiment was designed to do is to measure the speed of light in one direction vs. another direction to see how fast we are moving through the Aether.
What was discovered was that they are the same in one direction as the other.

"This conclusion directly contradicts the explanation... which presupposes that the earth moves"
-Physicist, Albert Michelson

The experiment failed to detect the Earth movement in or against the Aether. The problem was serious. In the end science was faced with a choice, either to discard the Aether or that the earth is orbiting the sun. The "science" community rushed out with theory called "Fitzgerald Lorentz contraction". This claimed that the steel tube aligned with the direction of movement shortens while it moves trough the Aether. There is no evidence what so ever for this, it was only a way to get over the implication for this, that Earth is STATIONARY. This was named "Physics of desperation", a bed time story for grown men.
It was Albert Einstein who came up with the "SOLUTION" which now forms the basics of our physics. Later in 1905 and 1915 Einstein produced he's Relativity theories which overcome the troublesome Michelson-Morley experiment by simply abolishing the Aether. The whole theory it is riddled with contradiction and problems - which we will be examining.

The Sagnac experiment proves that the Aether does exist, that demolish the Relativity.


This Sagnac effect is used by airlines for their compass direction. As the plane turns, a change in the fringes are translated in a change in the direction of the plane that then it registers in cockpit compass.

Scientific proof that the Earth does not move. Many attempts to prove that Heliocentricity was true and Geocentricity was false. Any such attempt has been a failure.
Physicist A.A. Michelson and chemist E. W. Morley, using an interferometer which measures light rays, established that the Earth is stationary. This experiment does not stand alone, it is joined in it's confirmation of a stationary Earth by the James Bradley experiment 1729, Sagnac experiment 1913, Michelson- Gale experiment 1925 proving that the Aether passed over the Earth once every 24 hours, and Airy's Failure1871 proving that the starts moved caried by the Aether while the Earth stays stationary. Dr. Neville Thomas Jones, Ph.D. explains that "George Airy proved that the world was stationary and the stars are moving." Because his experiment proved that the earth does not move, which was the opposite of the expected outcome, Airy's experiment is commonly known as stated above, "Airy's failure." Not a surprise that the scientific establishment discredited he's results.
There are many other experiments that have each time given results that were not only consistent with a stationary earth but indicative of a stationary earth. From the light polarization experiments of E. Muscart in 1872 to the mutual inductance experiments of Theodore de Coudres in 1889 to the 1903 Touton-Noble experiments.
There has been a virtual blackout however within science education with this experiments.
The degree of cover-up of true science is simply outstanding!

Getting back to Einstein who announced he's Theory of Relativity in 1905, and he's general theory of Relativity in 1915. Einstein Theory of Relativity was able to explain a way in the null result of the Michelson- Morley experiment.
According to Einstein the speed of light is constant and consequently an object moving through space would not show movement if light it was used to measure the speed of the motion. According to Einstein the speed of light is constant for every observer no matter what speed the observer is traveling.
Armed with the Theory of Relativity, scientist argued that the earth is moving despite the Michelson-Morley experiment. They alleged that it was incorrectly shown not to be moving in the M-M experiment because the light used in the experiment which was expected to show the speed of the Earth through the Aether could neither decrees or increase in speed. The M-M experiment was designed to measure the expected speed of the supposedly moving Earth through the Aether. Einstein could not have a constant speed of light as he theorized if there was an Aether. Einstein solved that issue by simply announcing that there is no Aether. Einstein by theorizing that there is a constant speed of light and that there is no Aether solved the M-M null result and saved the Heliocentric model of an orbiting rotating Earth.

To explain how light behaves:
Light travels in waves, which is a fact that Einstein accepted. A wave needs a medium through which to travel. Imagine a wave in water , without the water it is an impossibility. The medium through the light travels is called Aether. This simple law of physics that a wave needs a medium trough which to travel is something that is easy to understand.
The corollary of an Aether for light to travel trough however would seem foreign for the reader, because it is not thought in schools.
The educational system it was given over completely to the mystical theory of relativity where the Aether is simply not allowed to exist.
Einstein removed the Aether from existence and the physical part of the theory was expendable only the equations needed to be saved. Einstein saw a way of saving the equations and did not considered worthwhile to "explain light". Einstein was satisfied to "explained in therms of things that we understood nothing of", in other words "not to explained at all". That thrown the physics in a mathematical dominated world:
"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality." - Nikola Tesla

To explain the absurdity of light waves without an Aether through which to travel: (Light consisted of vibrations in the Aether that had physical properties which also were in principle determinable). What Einstein was proposing therefore, was to retain the finite velocity of light, without the existence of any standard with respect to which that velocity had a meaning. Light consisted of waves with a defined length frequency and velocity in nothing. It was the grin without the cheshire cat.

Again, Aether was proven to exist in 1913 Sagnac experiment. That experiment proved without any doubt that Aether in fact do exist, and the Cockpit Ring Laser Gyroscopic Compasses that are based upon the discovery by George Sagnac are the Imperial proof . Without an Aether those sophisticated Ring Laser Gyroscopic Compasses would not work.

 Einstein did not proof that the Aether did not exist, he's theory of relativity is just myth and a complete LIE. The existence of Aether destroys the THEORY of relativity and establishes the Michelson-Morley experiment as proving that the Earth is STATIONARY.  

Thank you for your curiosity and stay tuned. Till next article, all best.
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Michelson and Morley- 1887 "On the Relative Motion of the Earth and the Luminiferous Aether" American Journal of Science 3rd Series v 34 art. XXXVI pp333-345 [no evidence of earth movement]