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RE: Why fake STEM is dangerous, why it is dangerous for YOU ( and your country too).

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Well, Berlusconi was simply the original Trump, before of Trump being cool. Whatever Trump says, we've heard the same 20 years ago. The whole planet was possibly astonished when Trump won, but italians. Because we know how this kind of people works to win.

Actually, Italian school is worst than before (when I did mine) , still Italian highs schools are 5,6 times better than the USA ones (well, not that hard actually) , so I won't be afraid for high schools. Maybe universities are underfunded, yes, but most of them aren't deserving funds in my opinion, so this is highly questionable.

The point is Italy survived Berlusconi: but Italy survived almost 2,500 years of history, so we always take it easy. I mean, in our history we were devastated by barbarians from the north, arabs from the south, french so-called-culture, american so-called-culture, and we are still alive and kicking.

It's all about the LULZ: Trump is more ridiculous than dangerous, like Berlusconi. People like this aren't really dangerous, they are just buffoons voted by lower classes, claiming to be successful people voted by the middle class. Once you see the bluff, they just deflate like baloons.

Still, they are very funny, albeit harmless.


how do you fee about your eastern neighbors like serbs, if you are talking about barbarians and consider yourself roman, It's both parties fault, Rome was quite invasive too.

I agree about the universities , they should produce goods and give to the students, for all the money it costs, where I'm at it's mostly theories and no practice and mostly underdeveloped and old theories at that. But what can you do money brings power.

nice way to define Trump, have to say this time around their selection for candidates was well questionable at best, once again as with the elections in my piece of land , there were almost no good candidates apart from the unknowns , they have some good sides, Hilary would have continued the downslide and lies and debt coverup , Trump maybe not so much , but he's strict and tough or that i what he wants to portray I guess.

First, according with my maps, the neighbors are croatians or slovene, not serbs. Second, at the age of Rome, there was nothing like "serbian" or "croatian" identity. Last but not least, you are talking about people used to have no guts in their villages, to shit in their own roads, no literature, no written laws, no math, only smelling barbarians used to don't wash for the whole winter because they weren't able to build any water facility.

Rome didn't "invaded" them , just bring some civilization, like "having guts is better than raw shitting in your own streets", "having written laws and courts is better than dueling for everything", "washing your body at least once a year may help against sickness", " having water pipes is better than drinking punk water" , "roads and bridges may help you to commerce instead of starving because of a bad harvest" , " having the Annona may help you to have food reserves when you lost one harvest " , "register your son helps you to don't inbreed your own sister", and others things which comes together with "civilization". Which where missing there: those populations weren't even able to use a shovel to have better plants: they were so ignorant romans called them "Slaves", which meant: "slaves". Only good for their bodies. Or, according with Tacitus, "talking tools".

I can understand lot of Americans in the rural areas are dreaming of living like those barbarians, with no laws , inbreeding sisters, duels and so. Nevertheless, still I think some civilization is good. At least when you are the sister, you know?

About university: university is for the elites. "Practice" is for servants, or if you prefer, the "working class", also known as "the losers" . If you want "practice" in Italy there are lot of high schools dedicated to practice, like the "Istituti Tecnici", it makes a little sense to practice at 25 when you can be a good servant right at 15. Ok, ok, you can call well paid servants as "middle class" if you want, Romans were calling them .

Again, Trump versus Hillary is a movie in Italy we have seen in 1984, when we had Berlusconi versus Achille Occhetto. Silvio tricked them with the same strategy: you talk in a way which triggers the noisy, phony , annoying extreme left, and when the extreme left comes into the stage, the moderate left always lose elections. You go in the stage triggering feminists, communists, lesbians, minorities, especially the most extreme areas, and they will join the leftist party, setting it to be "the horrible looking, hated by everybody" party.

This trick works always the same since when Rome had their "Tribunus Plebis" , which means 484 Before of Christ. ( To trigger angry idiots from the lower classes, is a well known trick since 2500 years, so stop pretending there was some other reason behind the Trump's victory: Trump tricked the population in way Romans were doing 2500 years before. Unfortunately, Trump is not the General Mario. (Mad Dog in Rome was an insult, btw).

This discussion is not even interesting in 2017: Trump is just a tax for people which never studied enough History of Rome, which means, 99.99% of the history of politics. (The remaining part was invented during the Renaissance: Machiavelli, Lorenzo and others.) American politics is mostly boring, something very, very, amateur and barbaric. Not interesting at all, but for The Show.

I admit Trump is quite a good showman.( Well, not at the level of Silvio, which can actually play piano and sing pretty well, with some documented experience as a pro, while working on cruising boats. You know, he KNOWS what a cuckold is. From the wife side.).