Ok, fine. I will bite.
Using science to uncover unscientific claims
The problem with Sheldrake's approach is that he isn't using science to uncover unscientific claims. In order to falsify an unscientific claim you have to do an experiment, nothing else will do.
In the video he makes a very bold claim that the gravitational constant, G, is changing with time. That is a perfectly testable scientific claim. If he succeed in measuring G multiple times and found that it was changing it would prove his point very well, but he didn't make a measurement at all. He just gives lectures and writes books. He isn't participating in the process at all - he isn't using science to do anything.
Fair enough, as he put it he compiles scientific data in the areas where he hasn't done experiments himself. The mere mention of the large-scale deviation from G that as he claimed happened simulatenously all over the world as shown by the records is totally worth pointing out in my book.
His research focuses on other experiments involving the sense of being stared at and the like.
I have no way of measuring G and I simply noted his remarks in my mind as something to keep in mind and follow up on, but you are correct , any verifiable claim needs to be tested ultimately. How convenient then that the light meter has been fixed and redefined.
I find the whole paradigm of Newton's metaphysics highly questionable, not sure how familiar you are with Newton's occult interests and the neccessity for his "gravitational constant" to make his calculations and the broader emerging cosmology of the day work out. But that would be a discussion for another say as I am about to go dancing for a week and still haven't packed <3
We will talk more about G in the future as a lot of contemporary cosmology needs it to work out properly and most have not tested it themselves but simply believed the notion that bodies are attracted to each other due to their masses... that claim in itself is something worth looking into deeper and has not been demonstrated satisfacotirily in my opinion.
Anyways, thanks for sharing your thoughts!