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RE: "The Hunters And Gatherers Issue" - An Open Letter To My Future Ex Affair

in #science8 years ago

I have a different take on this, and definitely not the norm.

I met my g/f at a friends party. It turns out she was a high class call girl in London's west end.
We ended up as boyfriend and girlfriend, and working together -and were deeply in Love.
(yes - all the stereotypical images going through your heads, is probably correct- and more besides)
We were together 3 years in 'the industry' . Obviously sexual jelousy wasn't even a thing, and never a cause of any insecurities. - but there was never any lies or deception either, which is more relevant than anything else here.

We stopped working in the industry - for a change of scenery, nothing more, and leased a tropical island beach resort with the proceeds.
Within 20 months of this business, we had split up. ( no partying, different lifestyle).

One size does NOT fit all when it comes to relationships, is all I'm saying.


One size does NOT fit all when it comes to relationships, is all I'm saying.

I fully agree and that's actually what I said in my article: it's about making decisions. You did that and are definitely a wonderful example. However, there are many people who are too weak to compromise.

I'm glad you lived such a wonderful love story.
It happend to me, too, a couple of years back in my very first relationship so I can relate. It was even love at first sight. We saw each other (at a basketball game) and knew we were meant to be together. The next day we started to be a couple, and during 6 years we were inseparable. Then we developed into different directions and broke up (peacefully), but still this was something special.

Every story is different as we are all different.

I am posting my 'a call girl. a couple. an adventure. #2 in the next hour or so- you will appreciate it , and understand it, more than most, I think. I would love you to read it! (#1, and fork in the road#1 - you might like. too!)