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RE: The Simple Reality (book)

in #science7 years ago

I respectfully recommend "The Final Theory : Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy" by Mark McCutcheon.
Mark's evidence-based, highly counter-intuitive conclusions concerning GRAVITY nicely account for essentially everything we know about it, including its ability to act instantaneously across any distance small or of astronomical proportions !!
The folk at "The Electric Universe// Thunderbolts" web site point out (1) the electric force is billions of times stronger than gravity, & (2) the Universe is quite demonstrably made up of all-pervading PLASMA which is highly electromagnetic & that it is the behaviour of this plasma which is responsible for the entire cosmology of our universe - Suns, stars, solar systems, galaxies, etc, &, no, not gravity ...
That being said, the 'plasma universe' folk don't get gravity either other than its meagre, minuscule power in comparison to the electric force - McCutcheon is the only one that does .....
Hopefully, Steve, your commitment to 'the truth' is robust enough to embrace it where ever you find it ... even if you haven't included it in your book ...
Just saying ......
Keep on looking ....
Signed, omniscient one


Did you even bother to look at my research? The electric universe theory does not understand that gravity causes electromagnetism. The book you reference is complex and abstract. "Gravity is not a force at all, but a simple geometric relationship between simultaneously expanding masses." It's using Einstein's theory and the Big Bang to come up with ridiculous interpretations. Sorry, everything you are referencing is flawed.