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RE: Global Sea Ice Area - This chart should worry you...

in #science8 years ago (edited)

I find it very interesting that those who go around spouting nonsense like "the science is settled" are completely unaware that the large majority of scientists conducting research in this area are, in one way or another, funded by government money. Whether through university grants or via employment directly by said government. So, if said government wants to push a particular agenda (like global warming) and the scientist finds results that don't follow the agenda, guess which scientist does not get funded again. Why do we distrust the government in almost every other way (weapons of mass distruction / economy / etc...) but give them 100% trust when it comes the environment? I am a climate change believer...I know that the climate has been changing since our planet was a ball of gas. To be so naive as to think that arresting climate change would be anything other than catastrophic for our planet is beyond arrogant. Arresting those changes would surely cause the death of the Earth.


large majority of scientists conducting research in this area are, in one way or another, funded by government money

Yes I agree

So maybe it all comes down to whether or not you believe governments and ngo's worldwide are pulling a fast one on us.

I'll stick with the more logical conclusion that climate change is real.

"The more logical conclusion," this just keeps getting better and, now the rest of the "non-believing" world is illogical at best...nothing like bathing in hypocrisy, eh?

Of course climate change is real...I'm not disputing that...try to keep up...