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RE: Global Sea Ice Area - This chart should worry you...

in #science8 years ago

government grants do not induce bias?...are completely without strings?...HA! You sir are the one who is either completely ignorant or extremely un-informed. There is a huge community of debate around that very issue. Further, like most climate extremists I find it pathetic that the first course you have elected to take is to insult those with differing opinions. If you can't speak to the topic resort to insults...I'm probably a racist too.


I don't know anything about your opinions on race to pass judgement. With climate change things either are or they are not. The facts show that warming is occuring and that it is exacerbated by human production of green house gasses. Your opinions don't have any bearing on the reality.

Yep...typical. "the science is settled". No room to discuss. Those who think differently are not to be taken seriously...for I am a scientist and you are not... Your piousness does not help you sell your opion nor make you automatically correct. And by the way, since when does someone with a bio-chem background have more credence than another person with an unrelated science background? Which I happen to have but typically don't feel the need to be holier-than-though about it.