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RE: The rise of the robots – will your job be gone in coming years?

in #science5 years ago

Hello @julianhorack,

First of all, @crypto.piotr sent me.

I just want to verbalize why do people seem to be obsessed with their jobs being taken over by robots or artificial intelligence. Yes. they are very efficient and someday- if that someday will ever occur, they will be able to interpret our moods/ words.

I believe that like tools, robots are efficient tools but, they will always require us humans, their overlords to look after them. While they may be amazing on logic based problems and tasks, they are very poor in psychosocial skills because, its something innate that we humans adapt.

We cannot even completely understand and interpret each other's cultures despite our similarities as humans, how can other "species" such as a machine do so? Because our culture, behaviour and interpretations on life depends on our experiences.

With that thought, why should "cooks" be alarmed that they will be replaced by machines? it can be possible that that "dash" of salt or seasoning makes a difference in a dish which a machine can never pick up because there is no specific value in a "dash."

Same way in the medical field. When a patient is deteriorating, how do nurses and other health care provider picks that up- its not because the patient will immediately exhibit abnormal results. Their vital signs and laboratory tests are still normal but, there are already tell tale signs in the way they speak, breathe, and even on the way they move.

That's a little something that machines even if created by the best programmers in the world can never duplicate. Because, they are logic based. They can never integrate logic with psychosocial skills which we humans had been doing for a very long time.


Another brilliant feedback @nurseanne84

Thank you for sharing your view on that particular topic with me. Appreciate it a lot.

We're clearly quite on the same page with judgement of current situation and future progress.

Yours, Piotr