Gamma-ray burst: is the brightest explosion in the Universe

in #science7 years ago

Gamma-ray bursts (Abbreviated: GRB) is the phenomenon of gamma-ray bright bursts from certain places from outer space and at any given moment. The duration of gamma ray bursts is usually not long only duration of seconds, minutes, and a few melisekon only. But the beam will be noticeable longer although it is no longer a gamma ray but in the form of electromagnetic waves with longer-sighted wavelengths.

GRB is divided into two types. The first type is called the short burst. This type occurs in just about two seconds. And the second is called the long burst. This second type lasts longer. Duration can reach hundreds of seconds. This GRB is a hint of the formation of black holes. The exotic object emerging from the physical theory that hitherto hunted its existence. Shot burst is a collision of two neutron stars. While the long burst is the center of the collapse of massive stars, collapsar.

GRB is a high-energy beam (gamma ray) from a much more energetic explosion. GRB has been studied alone is GRB 130603 is 3.5 billion light years from Earth. However, this is the closest GRB ever recorded in the history of civilization.

How is the biggest gamma ray burst on Earth ever happening?

Starting from the story of cold war between America with unisoviet. It happened in 1963, the United States launched a satellite into space to monitor the movements of unisoviet forces. In the same year the two countries signed a peace treaty on banning the testing of nuclear weapons in space or space.

While the United States at that time launched their satellites at altitudes of 100,000 kilometers. This is done to monitor whether the unisoviet obeys the signed agreement. The satellite is designed to detect the highest energy radiation called gamma rays.

Well in 1967, the satellite detected some of the mysterious radiations. However, it is known that the radiation does not come from nuclear explosions. However, from explosions that occur outside of space. But the United States has been hiding it for a decade. Until scientists have trouble finding the truth about it.

Well, by the time the cold war is over, now scientists have launched several satellites and telescopes to detect and simultaneously learn where the radiation comes from. Until now they have found thousands of explosions that produce gamma rays and it is also known that they come from exotic objects in the universe such as black holes and neutrons.

On April 5, 1991, the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory (CGRO) was launched over the Space Shuttle Atlantis of the Kennedy Space Center. Named to honor the Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Arthur Holly Compton, CGRO is the second of NASA's "Great Observatories" after the launch of Hubble Space Telescope 1990 and at launch, the heaviest astrophysical payload ever flown over the Shuttle. The goal of the CGRO mission is to use a collection of four major instruments to detect a range of high-energy radiation known as gamma rays. [Source]

The resulting instrument has detected hundreds of explosions. Basically, astronomers want to know where the explosion comes from. Derived from local or from the Milky Way. If the explosion comes from the Milky Way then most of the GRB is visible from the Galaxy field.

When the lethal gamma rays hit the earth

At that time the earth can be said still lucky. Why? Because a burst of gamma energy hit the earth occurred on December 24, 2004. The blow occurred not so long ago, in just 0.2 seconds. With the amount of energy delivered equal to the energy of sunlight for 500 thousand years. Or about 50 thousand light-years away or approximately 473,000 trillion kilometers.

Due to the damage that is hit by gamma rays, many electronic satellites orbiting the earth suffered various damages. The Earth's top atmosphere also undergoes remarkable ionization. However, after further investigation, astronomers found a source of attack derived from a rare magnetar SGR 1806-20 which is on the other side of the Milky Way galaxy.

Soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) occur because the tangled magnetic field attempts to regenerate itself and break the magnetic crust. Magnetars themselves have magnetic fields 000 times more than regular pulsars. The blow is very strong, it can destroy anything that exists even though the distance of 1000 kilometers around.

Lucky for the earth because the source of the explosion is very far away. We can not imagine if the distance is only a matter of hundreds or tens of kilometers. The phenomenon of this hammer is very rare to happen, possibly within a decade. []


Han rugo ta resteem.. Meukham kenong.... Selamat @nasrud

Kata sogok pu Han keunong bang... Hehhehe

Paplumo.. Long lumpo droneh Ka pijut....Sep gawat... Sang tengoh susah ule....

Brat susah jinoe, kegiatan Tan, sbd murah dan mimpi balik kelhokseumawe dalam waktu dekat, gagal total. Hom hai bang. Han ek tapike, tajalani ju

neu mita aju pat yang na i lhok... asai jeut neu meu udep..dang-dang na job laen... Menyo hinan long yakin payah that...Menyo ka sukses di lhok kajeut neuba mak keno

Takalon dile bang.. meunyo tajak ulhok pih lage Haba nyan sit :). Suah meuraeh2 sit. Bah na peng bacut Baro lon Balek ulhok.

Jroh...aci peget hubungan aju....kerja pu yg mungken dang2 na job asai napeng tamong...