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RE: Global Sea Ice Area - This chart should worry you...

in #science8 years ago

If you are a "science" denier then I don't think we have much of a discussion.
You are correct though, science indicates we have had numerous past warming trends, but they occur over thousands of years. It is the speed at which this is occurring that is alarming.


Of course we do not have much of a discussion...because people of "science" believe themselves above everyone the grand scheme of things, there are a handful of people who call themselves scientists...they firmly believe their word is more important than any other piece of information available to man...and yet, how many hundreds of "proven science theories" have been changed throughout the history of man...flat earth/round earth...hell, they can't even prove gravity, other than to say it exists but they have no clue how...every single time they "learn" something new, it changes a "fact" they established in the itself is the single biggest science denier!

they firmly believe their word is more important than any other piece of information available to man

No, it is not their word. It is the scientific process.

Thanks for the comment anyway.

Whether it is their word, or their "scientific process" matters not...if it alters the "facts" that were established by previous "scientific processes," then the entire system is faulty. In order for something to be proven factual, it must stand the test of time...which much of science does not.

But obviously you are ill equipped for such a debate, so I will bid you farewell. Thanks for the opportunity to comment...have a great holiday!

if it alters the "facts" that were established by previous "scientific processes," then the entire system is faulty

Dude they are not facts. They are theories and they are better than anything else anyone has to offer because they are testable. Please read the diagram below three or four times please. This is my last comment on this thread. Happy holidays to you too.

You continue to find new names for the faulty information you want others to blindly accept right along with you..."theories" or "facts", they continue to be debunked by future "theories" and "facts."

...and your continued refusal to actually engage in debate, leads one to assume you do not fully believe the "science" stuff yourself...which actually amounts to hypocrisy...but what do I know, I'm not an intelligent "science" supporter!

Happy Holidays!!!

Sigh. I know I said I was done commenting, but the flaws you describe are part of the process! Please read the above diagram a few more times.

If the "process" has "flaws," then the "results" are "faulty!" Thank-you for finally seeing the light!

Well this road leads to nowhere so I'm taking the exit. I will enjoy reading your final comment though. Thanks and happy holidays.

Of course it leads to are incapable of debate...either we all accept your "flawed" processes as scientific "proof" of errant theories, or we are not worthy of being spoken do you people breathe with your heads jammed so far up there?

I find it very interesting that those who go around spouting nonsense like "the science is settled" are completely unaware that the large majority of scientists conducting research in this area are, in one way or another, funded by government money. Whether through university grants or via employment directly by said government. So, if said government wants to push a particular agenda (like global warming) and the scientist finds results that don't follow the agenda, guess which scientist does not get funded again. Why do we distrust the government in almost every other way (weapons of mass distruction / economy / etc...) but give them 100% trust when it comes the environment? I am a climate change believer...I know that the climate has been changing since our planet was a ball of gas. To be so naive as to think that arresting climate change would be anything other than catastrophic for our planet is beyond arrogant. Arresting those changes would surely cause the death of the Earth.

large majority of scientists conducting research in this area are, in one way or another, funded by government money

Yes I agree

So maybe it all comes down to whether or not you believe governments and ngo's worldwide are pulling a fast one on us.

I'll stick with the more logical conclusion that climate change is real.

"The more logical conclusion," this just keeps getting better and, now the rest of the "non-believing" world is illogical at best...nothing like bathing in hypocrisy, eh?

Of course climate change is real...I'm not disputing that...try to keep up...