Hi everybody! Today I brought to you a short post about a topyc that I found interesting: How do you find the difference between male and female brain. Let's get it started:

Alan Turing is known as the father of theoretical computer science, it was him who formulated the basic theory about A.I. (Artificial inteligence). During WWII he worked for GC&CS (Government cryptology school), the same which deciphered the German Enigma code.
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Victory on WWII would been delayed up to four years without his help. Later he was arrested, in England homosexuality was a felony, and he was gay.

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The main contribution of Turing in the field of AI was the develpment of a test that consisted of a small social game. Participants exchanged written messages with a person behind a screen and they had to guess their sex, whether it was a woman or a man pretending a woman ...
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Seing the difference is surprisingly difficult. Man or woman, human or machine...
Dr. Turing was fascinated by the differences between men and women, which led him to formulate his test.
In the next post I will write about the female brain and AI, how Turing's test is used to measure the ability of a computer to show an intelligence similar to human or indistinct.