Nyan neukaloen wahai syedara2 meutuah Neuluangkan wate meu 5 minet mantoeng, Neu read the story Ulama tanyoe sampee Abeh, very touching and inspiring us By the cause of droplets ie eyes geutanyo tabaca ceritanyoe May Allah Neujadikan drips ie eyes tanyo keu Angels who always geulake Ampon dousaz tanyoe, The miracles attached to the figure of our Ulama Abu Ibrahim Woyla, which some scholars in Aceh considered Abu Ibrahim Woyla to be a cleric who had reached the level of Wali Allah (Wali Allah). it was recognized Teungku Nasruddin, indeed a lot of reports received by the family recounted about the wonders of the life of Abu Ibrahim Woyla. It was evident during his lifetime Abu Ibrahim Woyla always went to places where the people were always in distress, his anxiety and his calamities always exist in the midst of that society, but it is difficult for people to understand the intent and purpose of Abu brahim Woyla for what he was to visit such a place , because his arrival did not bring any message or mandate for the community he came to. Abu Lbrahim Woyla only came to pray in the places he visited, said Teungku Nasruddin
In this case Ustadz (Teungku abbreviated Tgk) Muhammad Kurdi Syam (a resident of Kayee Unoe, Calang who is familiar with Abu Ibrahim Woyla reported that Abu Ibrahim Woyla happened to be walking, he sometimes went into a certain house belonging to the community he was in, he circled the house until several times then stopped in the yard and faced herself in the direction of the house with the remembrance of LA ILAHAILLALLAH that did not stop coming out of his mouth, after which Abu Ibrahim Woyla left the house. , whether the inhabitants of the house avoid the dangers that will befall them or pray the inhabitants of the house to be blessed by Allah? According to Tgk Nasruddin, seen from his life, Abu Ibrahim Woyla seems no longer need the things that are worldly, he pointed out, if for example Abu Ibrahim Woyla has money, the money can run out da a blink of an eye was distributed to the needy and usually Abu Ibrahim Woyla distributed the money to the children in an unexpected amount (just as the practice of the Messenger of Allah). Such is the life of Abu Ibrahim Woyla in everyday life.
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