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RE: How Black and White thinking harms us all

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Ever since I learnt about cognitive dissonance I've been consciously battling with it. Like, during brexit and the snap election, I followed both Left and Right / Yes and No leaders and parties, and subscribe to centrist youtubers so I could get as much balance as possible.

What I found was my position just ended up getting lost, and that really highlights why cognitive dissonance is so prevalent. It's just really hard to go against your beliefs and comfort zone.

I guess it takes up too much physical energy for your brain to bother dealing with, unless you give it sufficient exercise.

I do believe I've improved but it'll take a lifetime to be truly balanced


P.S. Probably read my last post before this one....yeah kinda sorry about the order thing...
@mobbs, Read above first...
Fuck you!
Truth is what other's believe.
Worst part is....
What you believe is truth.
Also fuck you because balanced is amazingly excessively not close enough ....and yep, I'm to drunk so goodnight and...

What just happened here? @mobbs gave quite a great comment on a even more great summery of how people are reacting to @suesa's last post. What were you thinking when writing this @iforge:P
I am not at all trying to be negative here, just super curious why one would be willing to press enter after typing this :P It it was meant as artform, I didnt say anything.


Awesome reply, so much more entertaining than a flagging or flaming.

If by artform you ment, overly intoxicated reply to an amazing post about belief system's that really struck me, then yeah, it was very artsy.
Cheers mate.

Well, in your defense, isn't most art created that way? But maybe It's an idea to keep somewhat negative artworks for yourself =p. Cheers!


"guess it takes up too much physical energy for your brain to bother dealing with, unless you give it sufficient exercise."

Try mushrooms.

I have been trying to do the same, especially in politics where the emotional/moral value component is important (compared to say, medicine, where opinions should have less weight than objective facts).
I agree with you when you say your opinion tend to get lost in the process. I mostly read articles that go against my political views (because i don't see the point of reading my own opinion over and over). As a result i just end up seeing the contradictions across the whole spectrum, which leaves you in a weird gray zone.
In some way that's probably the right stance: understanding that if political views don't all have the same objective value, none are perfect. The downside of that is that it could just leave you completely unsatisfied with anything (especially when it comes to voting).