This coincidence has not occurred for 150 years, so this supermoon is quite special: the last time this extraordinary phenomenon took place was in 1866, and the next time it happens it will be January 31, 2037. OMG SO AWESOME!

Super moon:
The orbit of the Moon is elliptical, and one side (apogee) is about 50,000 km. farther from the Earth than the closest one (perigee). Therefore, a long of the 28 days of the lunar cycle, the satellite is sometimes closer to us than others. The supermoon occurs when the moment of maximum approach is, in addition, the moment in which there is a full moon. A simple panorama can appreciate it between 10% and 15% larger than usual.
Blue Moon:
A full moon is considered a "blue moon" when two full moons are produced in the same month. Since this month of January we had a full moon at the beginning of the month (another supermoon between January 1 and 2) this second full moon has also been a "blue moon".
Lunar eclipse:
Also on January 31 a third phenomenon occurs, less common than the supermoon and the blue moon: Earth, Sun and Moon align, giving rise to a total lunar eclipse. The full Moon coincides with the moment when the Moon enters the shadow of the Earth producing an eclipse.
The eclipse, however, will not be visible on the entire planet. In South America, Africa and Western Europe will not be seen, while in North America it will be visible before dawn on January 31. In Asia, Australia, New Zealand and eastern Russia, the total lunar eclipse will be visible.
Blood Moon:
The last astronomical phenomenon that coincides this January 31 is the blood moon. During the course of the eclipse, the Earth's atmosphere will filter the blue and green light from the sun's rays, but it will instead pass the red one. That is why the moon will be dyed with the reflection of the reddish glow that will come from our atmosphere. Therefore, this moon of blood will only be visible in the parts of the planet where the eclipse can be seen.
Let's see some pictures of the places where this phenomenon was magnificently seen:

They liked the pictures, do not tell me they are not amazing ... Well now we are going with a nerd data hahaha
On the moon it is impossible to whistle. Can you imagine? A person of 45kg on the moon would weigh 8.05kg (say goodbye to diets, we go to the moon.) On the moon there is no wind or sound (ninja farts). Each year the moon moves away from the earth 3.8cm (do not go, my love). If we moved at the speed of light it would take 1.2 seconds to reach the moon. Every 29.5 days there will be a full moon (patience, the next one is coming, pay more attention). If the moon did not exist, life on earth as we know it would not be possible (since its rotation would be exaggeratedly fast, "due to the gravitational attraction shared by the moon is the hand brake of our intergalactic ship") BONUS: Earth turns at more than 1,600 km / h if you want to live something exciting, close your eyes, hold tightly on your chair and simply use that brain "turn off the gravity". Without gravity on earth we would all be expelled in a matter of nanoseconds, would it be a disaster to remove the moon, is not it? I ask: If almost 50 years ago man stepped on the moon, why have not they returned? Will it ever happen?
Thank God for giving us this world, the galaxy and its great monuments, such as THE MOON

Thank you for the pictures, i did not have the courage to wake up at 5 AM to see it from San Francisco :)
You're welcome. That's wrong, but in the photos you can see a lot