Sam Altman has carried out the largest study on Universal Basic Income/Sam Altman ha realizado el mayor estudio sobre la Renta Básica Universal

in #science8 months ago


As you all know, universal basic income (UBI) is a social program in which all citizens or residents of a country receive a fixed amount of money on a regular basis, without conditions and regardless of their income or employment status, with the alleged objectives of reducing poverty and inequality, improving well-being and stimulating the economy.

Como todos sabéis, la renta básica universal (RBU) es un programa social en el que todos los ciudadanos o residentes de un país reciben una cantidad fija de dinero de forma regular, sin condiciones e independientemente de sus ingresos o situación laboral, con los presuntos objetivos de reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad, mejorar el bienestar y estimular la economía.

Although the idea of ​​a UBI is relatively new, several pilot projects and studies have already been carried out in different countries to evaluate its feasibility and impact, Finland in 2017, Kenya in 2016 or Alaska with mixed results, it now seems that Sam Altman, CEO from OpenAI has been doing its own study on this.

Si bien la idea de una RBU es relativamente nueva, ya se han realizado varios proyectos piloto y estudios en diferentes países para evaluar su viabilidad y impacto, Finlandia en 2017, Kenia en 2016 o Alaska con resultados variopintos, ahora parece que Sam Altman, CEO de OpenAI ha estado haciendo su propio estudio al respecto.


I suppose that because the remorse does not let him sleep, Sam has wondered what will happen when the machines are able to do everything better than a human (basically because of him), which is why he has financed it with tens of millions of dollars from his pocket , invested through its research laboratory OpenResearch, a new study on the implementation of a universal basic income.

Supongo que debido a que los remordimientos no le dejan dormir, Sam se ha preguntado que pasará cuanto las máquinas sean capaces de hacerlo todo mejor que un humano (básicamente por su culpa), por eso ha financiado con decenas de millones de dólares de su bolsillo, invertidos a través de su laboratorio de investigación OpenResearch un nuevo estudio sobra la la. implementación de una renta básica universal.

In order to understand how a UBI would affect people's lives, Altman recruited thousands of people from different countries and socioeconomic backgrounds randomly and gave them a fixed amount of money each month for a set period of time, to then check the effects of this income on the lucky ones.

Con el objetivo de comprender cómo una RBU afectaría las vidas de las personas, Altman reclutó a miles de personas de diferentes países y entornos socioeconómicos aleatoriamente y se les ha dado una cantidad fija de dinero cada mes durante un período de tiempo determinado, para luego comprobar los efectos de esta renta en los afortunados.


The results obtained by Altman's study are similar to those obtained in previous studies, the people who charge it are delighted and the survey results show higher levels of well-being, less stress and better mental health, but the problem arises when talks about financing it since those who pay have different symptoms than those who charge.

Los resultados arrojados por el estudio de Altman son similares a los obtenidos en estudios anteriores, la gente que lo cobra está encantada y los resultados de las encuestas muestran niveles más altos de bienestar, menos estrés y mejor salud mental, pero el problema surge cuando se habla de financiarla ya que los que pagan tienen síntomas diferentes a los que cobran.

My personal opinion is that, on the one hand, producers have no choice but to finance consumption in some way because there is no point in producing very cheaply with robots if no one buys what you make, because robots do not eat or spend on vacation, but on the other hand I think that in the long run this will cause more problems than joys, knowing human nature, once the basic needs are met we want more and if we don't get it we protest and get depressed.

Mi opinión personal es que, por una parte, a los productores no les queda otro remedio que financiar de alguna manera el consumo porque de nada sirve producir muy barato con robots si nadie te compra lo que fabricas, que los robots no comen ni gastan en vacaciones, pero por otra parte creo que a la larga esto dará más problemas que alegrías, conociendo la naturaleza humana, una vez cubiertas las necesidades básicas queremos más y si no lo conseguimos protestamos y nos deprimimos.

Where perhaps it would be a good idea to implement this UBI is in underdeveloped and developing countries, so that they do not have to spend all day looking for something to eat and can start businesses or create companies and thus do not have to embark on a journey of nightmare to end up in a world of decadent fat people.

Donde quizá sería una buena idea implantar esta RBU es en los países subdesarrollados y en vías de desarrollo, para que no tengan que pasarse todo el día para buscar que comer y puedan emprender negocios o crear empresas y así no tienen que embarcarse en un viaje de pesadilla para acabar en un mundo de gordos decadentes.

More information/Más información


Altman’s study is really quite amazing and I am so sure he must have really devoted a whole lot of effort and energy in making this work

It's a fascinating concept, the problem in the end comes down to where does the money come from? Governments can only print so much before it's worthless. If we can overcome this hurdle then it might be a wonderful thing. Who wouldn't want the security if you lose your job you still have enough coming in to survive?

Altman’s study is pretty interesting. I'm actually curious to see if UBI can really change lives sustainably. There's so much room for this to make progress and change our world